Kate’s Runaway Artistic Success
From Ken: My good friend Casey Klahn and I gave a dual art workshop last summer. As I often do when I’m teaching painting, I’ll follow the art workshop session for those interested with a Manifesting 123 lecture. I am always amazed at how many people come up later and tell me that not only was Manifesting 123 a very big bonus to the art class, but...
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The List: Your Amazing 2013 and More for 2014!
What a year! I’ve been looking over the stories sent in by readers of Manifesting 123 and I am profoundly moved. No one wrote in to say how difficult it was to do the recommendations in the book. In fact, the majority said is was very simple, the easiest they had ever encountered. Now you KNOW that your thoughts begin to form up as soon as you...
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The Groom’s Amazing Manifestations and One More Lovely Story
First a disclaimer. Sometimes things are just too good to be true. We have plenty of ups and downs in our lives and see plenty of bad news in the media everyday. There is plenty of good news to go around each day, but for whatever reason it doesn’t reach us as often. So to finish out 2013, here are some great stories. I know...
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What Was Manifested and a Joke by an Ex-President
What a year it has been! I’ve taken the time to look back at what has been manifested out of thin air, and I am very grateful.So much has happened but I’ll use the the Manifesting 123 book as an example. For two years I talked about writing this book. Every day I had been talking about Manifesting to someone, sometimes many times a day....
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A Santa Secret for You and a Miraculous Story
click to view the Santa video on YouTube Funny, I had been wanting to get my picture taken with Santa this year and it had been over 50 years since the last one. I was thinking about just how to do it. I could go to the Mall, but I wouldn’t. The Santa photo just kept coming up. It was a thought and a wish...
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Work Crisis! Manifesting the Perfect Person
by Andrea Chilcote The following post appeared originally on The Spirited Woman where Andrea is a weekly blogger. I often write about “ease,” and the preponderance of everyday miracles. And I have written many times of the power that managing our thoughts and feelings has on the outcomes we achieve. I strive to walk my talk, and on some days I’m more successful at doing so than...
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Manifest the Shortcut at Work
I had a wonderful manifestation that I thought I’d share with you all. This has been a tremendously stressful time at work. With the Holidays we have plenty of work to do, if not more and all of us on staff take more time off, increasing the load. Fortunately I asked and got approval to get someone to work 10 hours a week to help...
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Praying for the Cure: Message Received at the DMV
Recently I was invited to appear on a local radio show here in Denver. It was fun to be live in the studio with radio hosts Greg and Lisa. Most of my radio interviews are in other parts of the country and take place by phone. The owner of the radio and recording studio facility is Hoss. I told Hoss I was interested in doing an...
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After the Workshop, Things Are Happening Fast!
When I attended your workshop last week, I was at a very low point. I was having to take pain pills and muscle relaxants as a result of an accident a few weeks before. My doctor said I may need surgery, adding to my worries. I was counting on my friend to drive me to your workshop, but she was unable to come. I made...
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Tim Makes a Big Wish
As I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, I ask people to make wishes from time to time. The point is to get people to ask for things large or small, just for themselves. Too often we neglect ourselves. Request good things for yourself. Here’s a marvelous example of what can happen. It was back in 2005 or 2006 when I was reacquainted with a...
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