


Expect a Miracle!

Expect a Miracle!

A couple of years back I got a call from a fellow artist and good friend, Mary. She had been talking to some of her colleagues and they wanted get together and discuss having a group art show. At the core of the discussion was how could we could come together as a group and further our careers. This meeting took place about a year...

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The Perfect Condo Solution

The Perfect Condo Solution

My daughter Louisa purchased a second condo, much more spacious, with a larger wrap-around balcony in Toronto this past May. She felt ‘lucky’ to have purchased it privately, tipped off of its availability before it formally listed on the market. This private sale did not involve a realtor, thereby saving both parties around fifteen thousand dollars.Shortly after, a tenant was booked to move into this second...

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At Last, They Found Happiness, Part 2

At Last, They Found Happiness, Part 2

From part one, a short review: Read the entire part one As I reported in part one last week, Kevin was in Florida on business and Cynthia was in Denver. They had met on and had only been e-mailing a week but it seemed like much longer. Cynthia and Kevin used the secure email system which didn’t disclose each other’s last names or...

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At Last, They Found Happiness, Part 1

At Last, They Found Happiness, Part 1

Part 1 Since this series of newsletters began, there have been amazing manifesting stories in a lot of categories. People have manifested jobs, cars, houses, income and more. There are a number of relationships that have been manifested but the participants feel that those stories are still unfolding so they haven’t been talked about here, at least until now. This is an important story about...

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Manifesting a Multiple Result!

Manifesting a Multiple Result!

It was a few years ago during the worst of the recent depression. The housing market was horrible and that is a very bad thing because I sell homes for a living. I was in a very bad spot. Since I wasn’t getting commissions, I was going into my savings and I could clearly see the bottom of that well. Perhaps I would get lucky,...

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Manifesting the New House and No Debt: part 2

Manifesting the New House and No Debt: part 2

Continued from November 8 L writes:Okay, so it was time for a brand new movie and I was ready for the challenge! But this time it was going to be about our house selling at full asking price. Since this was more of a “concept” than a visual image for my movie, I just pictured the phone ringing and our realtor calling to tell us...

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Manifesting the New House and No Debt: part 1

Manifesting the New House and No Debt: part 1

From L :  Ken had just recently introduced me to the process of creating my “movie” and I was excited to begin.  Something I had been hoping for was a new house – bigger, and friendly neighbors that had kids the same age as my kids.  I had a real simple goal without much detail or any specific expectations other than to just to be...

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Results from the Sky and the Ground

Results from the Sky and the Ground

I just returned from a trip to a large farm in Canada. I was invited up by a wonderful couple that run the farm. There are far too many good things to share here, but I was honored to be there in the gracious company of the owners Ty and Janice. I spent time with their great family and three sweet people that worked the ranch...

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$10,000 Redeaux, Spooky!

$10,000 Redeaux, Spooky!

Just in… Cindy was reading the newsletter from last Monday. In the newsletter,  Melanie got her big job offer only hours after making her intention for $10,000 by the end of the year.  story After reading Melanie’s story from last week, Cindy writes: It happened all in the same day.  In your newsletter I saw the photo of $10,000, and visualized it floating down to...

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$10,000 by the end of the year?

$10,000 by the end of the year?

  Over the past couple months my dear friend Kelly has referenced “manifesting,” and Ken Elliott. Because I trust her and am always encouraged by her suggestions, I eventually ordered the book Manifesting 123 for my Kindle. During a very busy week, I took a break for lunch and began the book. Early in the book when Ken said, “If you never turn another page in...

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