16 Feb 2024 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
After Two Negative Years, Manifesting the Opposite!
M. writes:
Sometime back, my sister, K. was working at a compounding pharmacy in Texas. It’s where custom medications are made to fit the unique needs of patients that can’t be met with mass-produced products. It was an OK job and the bills were paid. Then a group from Colorado bought it in order to turn it into a sterile lab,
It’s a big deal to make that conversion, requiring a lot of engineering, time and expertise. So during that time they laid her off along with a few of the other the people working there. Six months went by and they were still being paid including health insurance, but they didn’t work or anything. K. kept thinking that any day, any week, she would go back to work. Finally after six months, they were told the payments would stop, but their job was still in the future.
So K. quickly go a job working with COVID and other types of test kits at $13 an hour. It was horrible, just horrible with somebody breathing down her neck all day.
That prompted here to push out more resumes until she got a job working at a doctor’s office collecting urine. It’s not very much money, but she took the job. I talked with her and asked, “Why don’t you look for a good paying, full time job doing something you would like to do?”
That’s when I talked to her about manifesting. I was manifesting for her daily. She has a tendency to be negative so I jumped in and said, “Look, when you speak it, you’re bringing it to you. So you need to turn that around and you need to say that this is the job I want. Imagine yourself working in that large hospital you like that is 20 minutes away, not something with a one hour commute each way.”
She stepped up and applied for a job at the preferred hospital and got a call back for an interview! She got a second interview and they told her they’re going to let her know by the next Wednesday, great news so far.
So I suggested to her that between now and next Wednesday, pretend you got the job and imagine yourself happily working there.
I was so proud of her! She started walking around the house saying out loud that this is my dream job and pretending she already had it. Then the call came and they offered her the position. To this point, she had been working for very little and she said to the caller, “Well, I need to make at least $16 an hour.” They offered her $24. Okay, okay but that’s most she’s ever made in her life. Her first day was basically orientation.
At the end of the day, she was so overwhelmed and so thankful that she had this job she was holding in her tears. She called me and just was sobbing. I thought somebody died. She just was crying uncontrollably. “Oh my God, what’s wrong?” I asked. She had been keeping those tears in all day. She told me that she has her own office with a window on the ground floor of a three story building. Her nameplate is on the door and she can park right next to her office door and let herself in.
Even better, it’s a fulfilling job, doing claims for low income, indigenous people. She works with two other people and they each have their own office. The offices are very nice, roomy with good furniture and there are two computer monitors on her desk. It’s a big deal. She just sent me a video of her office a little bit ago. There is a gym on the second floor that she loves. Her hours are weekdays from 7:30 – 4:30 and the short commute makes it easy.
I’m so happy for her because she has had it really hard the last two years. But even after this success, it’s still difficult for her to turn her negative thought process around. Just yesterday before we hung up she mentioned that she doesn’t feel worthy. I quickly reminded her that all of her thoughts, negative and positive, are very powerful, so stay in the place where positive things are created and for K., so far, so good!!
Photo credits: Pixels, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest
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