Dreaming of That Car…

Dreaming of That Car…

I’ve been doing pretty well lately. I’m certainly healthy, happy and I’ve recently been doing well financially. I’m one of those grateful ones. I have ups and downs like everyone else but my problems are not that big fortunately.

That being said, I kept thinking that I’d like a new car. The one I have is just fine, but I have this bug about a particular model Mercedes. If I were to get one, it would have to be used, because this model is very expensive. It seemed to be an unnecessary want and a pricy one, so I didn’t make it a priority.

This car was a bit of a dream, but something I wanted to manifest some day. It would be quite an undertaking to sell the one I have and scour the country to find that exact model. It would also have to be quite a deal on what is a very desirable car at a price I could afford. Regardless, I kept the dream alive in my mind – a happy thought.

Recently a friend wanted to borrow my car for a bit. It wasn’t a big deal so I gave him the keys. Here it comes… he got into a wreck. He is OK but my car didn’t survive the crash. Bad news, bad news… or maybe not.

It took this opportunity to look for my dream Mercedes. It HAD to be a deal and I decided that I would not settle for one that needed a lot of work. I would require a practical transaction that worked to my budget.

Searching online, the choices were few. I live on the east coast and a car came up in Pennsylvania. The photos looked really good, so I called the owner for more information. Everything seemed to check out and I could handle the price. I’m beginning to feel amazed because this process is going so smoothly. This car is now a front-burner item and I’m manifesting that it is mine.

The big downside is that this car is in an Ebay auction that would run for 6 more days, so the price could escalate beyond my reach. I decided that I needed to see the car and somehow make it mine fast.

I’m on mission now. I got to Pennsylvania and my luck held. The car was in excellent shape and the owner was open and reasonable. I looked the car over again very carefully, drove it and made an offer. We kicked it around and came to an agreement. I got the dream!

Once I was back home, my mechanic examined it very carefully. You never know what might be lurking. The professional verdict came back: two new tires and wiper blades. Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming, right?

Nice to have a dream you created come true!

Just another bump in the road?
After talking to Michael, I learned that he manifests a continuous stream of good things in his life. Putting it in perspective, there are more important things in his life but the perfect car is a sweet perk.

It’s interesting to observe how this new car suddenly became a priority. After his friend crashed the existing one, he had no other option except to buy another. As it happened, he had already been focusing on a particular model and had done some pricing research over the years. It was as if it was time for the car to appear.

This is a common result when we use our thoughts to manifest an outcome. There are numerous stories of cars caught in floods or wrecks, people being laid off work, loosing a home or relationship changes.

What is often occurring in these cases is a change is made before our goal is reached. Your thoughts and intentions are creating the most efficient path to your happy result but sometimes we are in the way. For reasons of security or practicality, we will stay in a situation that blocks the path to what we desire.

Looking back, we can see how this has occurred in our lives many times. Yes, some tragedies are just that and they hurt.  Other low spots are often the workings of your thoughts, efficiently clearing the path and bringing you to the place of your dreams, at times despite ourselves.

Your thoughts are constantly creating possibilities around you. Learn how your thoughts literally build, a fundamental insight, and go where You want to go.
Do it in style if you like!




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Photo credit: top: unknown, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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