France and Lebanon: What Can Manifesting and Prayer Do?

France and Lebanon: What Can Manifesting and Prayer Do?

Beirut, Lebanon and Paris, France were both victims of terrorist acts and they are in our hearts and prayers. It is not widely known, but the attack in Beirut was the worst terrorist act since 1990. Lebanon is not the war-torn country we assume from the earlier years of civil war there. For France, it was the worst attack since WWII. Both countries were shocked that they were attacked this way.

I am often asked, “What kind of effect do our prayers and manifesting have upon others?” It is a centuries – old question. From what I have been shown, this is my understanding.

Our thoughts truly create form, something I have had demonstrated to me for about 20 years now. It is the discovery at the core of Manifesting 123. It is a simple matter to create things for ourselves with focus, repetition, and emotion. But what can we manifest for others, our loved ones and the world?

Here is gets a bit more complicated. We are using our intentions to influence an outcome beyond ourselves. Is it possible to do so? Of course, but let’s consider what else is at work.

Let’s say your singular intention is for peace. There are many others with an equally strong intention that things are fine as they are.

Here’s another. Perhaps we are here with a bit of destiny and we will do what we are here to do. It might be difficult to manifest a completely different outcome when we or those we care about are compelled by events to follow a particular path.

The question is: should we take our child’s math test or run their 100-yard dash? What would be the benefit to the child?

Here is something we can do. We can use our manifesting gifts to influence the surrounding “field” of that child or even the planet. Thoughts are real and they are not wasted or thrown out. If someone is unwilling to accept the benefit of your thoughtful gift, it is put on a shelf, so to speak, for later use.

Imagine making the way clear for your child to do well on that math test. You can specify that all is uncluttered and without pressure, allowing for clarity and focus when she takes the test – that she has every good advantage. You can do the same globally.

Here is a universal phrase to use for just about anything, “Ask for the greatest and highest good be done.” We can’t really know why someone is seriously ill but using that phrase to help them will do a great deal of good. Also, you can ask to magnify the prayers of others by asking say, for peace or ecological balance. If you can think it, you can do it.

How much power do these thoughts really have? It may not be possible to quantify but here’s an interesting example. Remember East and West Berlin? The West and Russia spent billions of dollars defending that border with men and armor. Millions of thoughts and prayers floated up asking for a peaceful resolution. In the end, the impossible happened. Without a war, the wall between East and West collapsed overnight, the mistake of a bureaucrat at a routine briefing Nov. 9, 1989. It was one of the great historical moments of our time and is well worth a read in more detail here.

As for prayer, we have all heard countless stories of how prayers brought about remarkable outcomes. It is a powerful tool beyond our understanding. Please, pease pray and manifest for yourself. You are most worthy!

Also, ask for Wisdom, Calm, Happiness and more. You may be surprised at the quick outcome.

Your thoughts and prayers do make a difference… don’t stop asking for yourself and for the world.


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Ken Elliott


  1. Danielle Brown Says: November 23, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    Thank you, Ken! Prayer Changes Things! I appreciate your explanation.

  2. Missy McMinn Says: November 28, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    Thank you!!!

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