Getting My Perfect Vehicle and Thinking About That Valentine

Getting My Perfect Vehicle and Thinking About That Valentine

I have been looking for a larger vehicle for several years and considering what would be best. I was happy with my Honda Accord for now, as it had many loveable and redeeming qualities. I was not in a hurry but as an artist, I needed something to carry larger paintings, my 6 foot grid display units for art shows, plein air painting gear, and something I could camp in comfortably with my dog.

There were so many variables, it seemed impossible to include them all. I had a job offer that came with a $650/month car allowance and gas reimbursement, but a job like that would take over my free time. I really wouldn’t have the opportunity to paint or camp.

I considered SUV’s since I live in Colorado. I also love to revisit where I used to work in the Western Slope. Yankee Boy Basin is one of my favorite places to go but painting on location there requires 4 wheel drive. I didn’t want to burn that much gas with a SUV and it seemed the SUV setup was wrong for camping. I was all over the map weighing options.

I had to focus on what I really wanted, so I used what I learned in Manifesting 123 to envision a perfect solution in my future like a scene in a movie. In this imagined future, I had just the vehicle I required, not knowing how it came about.

During this process I got a flextime part-time job that allowed me time off to paint and travel. Good news, but being employed part-time brought my car budget down to just $5,000 – making my plan just about impossible.

A painter friend had bought a vehicle several years ago that had all the bells and whistles I wanted. It had things like heated seats, leather interior, backup camera, navigation and room to store painting gear in the back. It was perfect but his vehicle cost $50,000, ten times my budget!

Narrowing down my search, I began looking at vans. They were adequate and saved gas. I also looked at newer models but I didn’t like the designs.

When I was researching used ones like my friends model, I discovered the year with the least problems to focus on. Very quickly, one appeared for sale in a town that had just been added to my work territory.

I checked it out. It had some miles on it but had been well cared for. The owner had saved all the original materials and window sticker. He had installed Sirius radio and a backseat TV/DVD. It had navigation, heated leather seats and a very adjustable floor plan that could be revised for camping or passengers.

The price? $5000 which included a 3 year warranty, another specification in my movie. All of this for a price unheard of on good, used cars. SOLD!

I love driving it every day, and it really is the perfect vehicle for me. I was also manifesting good gas mileage because I am environmentally focused. I went from 26 mpg in my Honda to an average of 21 mpg in my van but that’s ok. The price for gas is now so much less, so it costs less to run than my former Honda. My trips are also more efficient with SIRI, my new personal phone assistant that keeps me on track!

I love the way it all worked out so perfectly. In the end, the amount of money wasn’t a big factor. I manifested just what I required despite my budget. Imagine that? I did!



About that Valentine…

Deb continues on nicely:

“Ken and I joked that cars are easy to manifest because there are millions of them but here’s the deal: the manifesting process is the same for everything.

It may take time to manifest your perfect Valentine, so be open and available to the answers the Universe (or the God of your understanding) will provide. There are millions of single people in the world, so if you have a perfect partner in your movie, both parties are being prepared. The distance between is not that far because potential couples are meeting each other half way! In the meantime, as Crosby, Stills and Nash sing, “Love the one you’re with,” and love yourself. It’s great practice!”

Happy Valentines Day everyone!



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Ken Elliott

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