02 Nov 2018 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
How Could This Happen? Manifesting 1,2,3!
Thank you, Edward for your persuasive story. Shortly after he got the book and went to work on his problem, good things began to come his way and in a timely fashion. Ready to give it try yourself?
Edward writes:
I am over 65 now and have Medicare payments that are large, quarterly payments and with 5-6 weeks before the due date, I didn’t have the funds on hand. It was a big concern but fortunately, I had recently met Ken at his art workshop. I knew he was also the author of Manifesting 1,2,3 and we briefly discussed some options. I was motivated to look for solutions so I began using the techniques in his book: visualizing that I was in my future and the bill was paid. Simple.
Further, I used gratitude, just as the book instructed and imagined how good it would feel to have that bill paid. I didn’t specify money directly, a bill-paying equivalent would do just fine and it felt smart to allow other options.
It was now 30 days before my payment was due and I went to a park to paint outside. I decided to sit on a bench right by the water and paint a small, 5 x 7 inch scene. It’s nice working outside and the people walking by make it even more interesting. I hadn’t been there long when a couple came over to watch what I was doing. They liked my work in progress and told me they had donated the bench I was sitting on. They were thrilled that I was painting that view and they inquired about commissioning me to do a larger painting for them. Of course I would and we agreed on a price. It all seemed pretty amazing, don’t you think?
I was happy for the opportunity, however it came in and I went right to work on the commission. A few weeks later we all met again at the library nearby and I added a few finishing touches right there as they watched. Yes, I was paid but I was still short of making the full Medicare payment.
With just a week to go to pay that bill, I continued my visualizations with gratitude as before, hoping for the best. In a couple of days a friend of mine called. He remembered a painting of a bicycle I did years ago and finally decided to buy it. How could that happen and why now? Looks like I manifested it!
The total from those two paintings were more than enough to cover my Medicare bill with money left over. That being done, now I’m manifesting that allmy expenses will be paid in a timely way.
Thank you!
Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!
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Photo credit: A Grace Filled Life, and Manifesting123 on Pinterest
That is amazing. I am so happy for you Edward. I always look forward to reading everyone’s stories on Friday.