24 Jul 2013 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
I Am Dreaming Again of My Future
August 2013
For some reason I feel like sharing a bit. (Being called to:).) Going thru 30 + years of a marriage that ended up in divorce I had stopped dreaming of a future.
I didn’t know even what I liked anymore. What style or color were my favorites in furniture, home, etc… It was around the end of the marriage that I came across Steve Gipson and Joe Crane’s book, Blessings Gifts and Deeds.
I knew someone that had a duplex that was close to the family home and I wished that I would be able to rent one side of it so that my son could walk over to visit. Well after a few months wait I did move into it. Looking back that was one of my first manifestations that I remember. At that point I didn’t know about manifestation, aura’s or what even a chakra was. It was all new to me.
The reason I felt like sharing this is after reading your book and applying The Movie technique, I have found myself starting to dream again of what I would like in my future. You make it simple to understand and to not get hung up about the details. Love it. Thanks so much for writing it and for sharing your knowledge. Wish I lived closer so I could attend your class. Will have to add that to my list.
Have a good workshop and I will be there in thought.
Where do you want to go?
How many times have you stepped up and asked for a good result in your life? Wasn’t it great when it came to be? It’s not about how good you are at manifesting and attracting these good things, it’s about how steady you are. Want to do even better? Add gratefullness. Don’t get tripped up by having to be highly skilled or worthy. Just ask and learn how to avoid limiting where you want to go. People say they have never heard it taught so simply and clearly. Learn how. They say, “It really works!”