17 Nov 2023 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Manifesting from the Kitchen and Into the World
When we are repetitively thinking on a focused idea, your thoughts are literally building it. This is at the core of Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3.
R. writes:
When I lived in Boulder, CO I started a bakery business out of my kitchen. My boyfriend’s business was not doing well so I had to figure out a way for us to make some money for Christmas, so I just decided to start making some Italian cookies. I didn’t make a ‘thing’ out of manifesting, I just decided to make something happen and went fully in to create some quick income.
After baking many batches, I offered the cookies to all of my friends who buy gifts for their clients at $100 for a tray of three dozen cookies, and I wrapped them in a really attractive package. I got a lot of orders! Now there was a lot of baking to do and during that time I just decided to make some biscotti to expand the idea and make it more attractive. I created a few yummy biscotti flavors and worked it to get the texture just right. Everything about them was unbelievably delicious. That’s when I started hearing from everybody, “Oh my God, you need to go into business. These are the best I’ve ever had.“
I started to really think about the idea and since I heard it so often, I began to consider that I was being given a sign. Taking this to a serious level, I began planning out a place to start. I was in the cooking making / planning mode constantly and now I was imagining making this bigger.
Where to go next? I let people know about my products, like the head of the dinner theater, some nearby store owners I knew, and tea houses. I literally got in the door with every single location that I went for. Next, I set up booths at the local fairs and outdoor markets.
Later when I moved to California, a friend passed my biscotti Christmas box to the owners of an enormous coffee and tea house chain there. The owners were impressed and indicated that they wanted to meet and interview me. I thought to myself, “Well you know what, I have no idea what I’m doing in the cookie business world and how to reproduce in quantity, but at this point, I am determined to make this company go forward.” I went for the interview. By the way, I was thinking about approaching them myself. How interesting that the connection came to me.
They loved the cookies, but they said to me, “Look, we think they’re going to break in shipment because they’re long and thin and we don’t think they will travel well.” Hmmm. Not only was I constantly in thought about birthing this company, but also determined and my intention was to be the best at this and to have all of these production problems solved. I went home, made the biscotti round and added a baking step.
I went back with the new shape, showed them my packaging and once again, they loved the new idea, but we were not done yet. They asked if I would be willing to make them gluten-free. I had never made anything gluten free, and not many people were at the time. I knew nothing about anything, but I was focused on success.
I observed how everything seemed to be coming together so far and how problems were being efficiently solved as they came up.The way I was going about this, my vision, focus and emotional connection to this idea was apparently creating a successful path for me and it gave me the confidence to make the next step.
I said OK, and I immediately a great quality, gluten-free baking flour was required. What flour should I get? I expected it to show up somehow, right? I got in the car, went and bought one flour brand, brought it home, made the cookies like I did normally and they were divine!
The company agreed that all was perfect and gave me two months to get production going. Wow!
Now that I manifested this new company, I now had to find a bakery that was gluten-free capable before gluten-free was even really out there. I found a good bakery but I had to personally buy all the specialized equipment necessary to begin a production line.
Everything worked successfully! The cookies were coming off the line and into the beautiful packaging in a big way! The idea of a little cookie business in the kitchen blossomed into to a large production, unique cookie for one of the biggest coffee house companies around.
Everything that I focused on happened, and it didn’t take very long… that was manifesting. I know a lot more about the subject now and have read Ken’s book to get an overview. Looking back, I wasn’t doing ‘formal’ manifesting techniques, but I was immersed in the idea of having a cookie business – and always a little bigger going forward. I was doing always-on, never stopping manifesting!
That was then. Now stay tuned… I’m working on something entirely different now. Join me and let’s build more of our own dreams and desires. This story is for you!
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Photo credit:
top: Betty Crocker and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest