Manifesting My Successful New Career and More Happiness!

Manifesting My Successful New Career and More Happiness!

Kristen McGannon “Boca” acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36 inches


I’ve been a painter all my life, but always as a hobby, never professionally. Two years ago, after four children and a long career in advertising, I finally decided to really devote some time to my passion, painting. I launched a small web site, and tentatively let people know I was “in business.”

It’s very scary to reinvent yourself as an artist after more than 20 years as a marketing person and mother. I was taking my first baby steps.
Last summer I discovered Ken Elliott’s artworks on Pinterest and loved his work immediately. I signed up for his painting workshop and travelled to Denver. On the last evening of the art workshop he did a short lecture on his Manifesting 123 book. It was a totally new concept to me and I was very intrigued.

It was a life-changing weekend: huge from a creative standpoint as an artist but also from the manifesting angle. It was my introduction to the whole idea and what set me on my course as a professional artist.

I started using the Manifesting 123 ideas and visualized my new life as a working artist. I imagined selling some paintings, I imagined a show and I imagined a beautiful studio and regular business. I visualized success in my future and used gratefulness constantly. That was about a year ago. Guess what has happened since? I sold my first painting last summer, had a great show in March and am now regularly selling my work and setting up a real studio. It’s truly beyond what I had ever dared to believe possible.

Recently I did a follow up phone session with Ken. Our last conversation was HUGE for me… it changed my whole outlook on what I might be able to do with my art career and gave me the confidence to really go for it.

I am going to the next level as an even happier professional artist. I will manifest it, do the work and watch it happen!
I’m so grateful to Ken for teaching me about manifesting. Not only has it brought wonderful things into my life, but it has taught me to live each day with gratitude, which is truly life-changing.

Kirsten McGannon
Kansas City


We all do this at some point. We put things off even if it would make us happy.

Why would we delay our happiness?

We aspire to have that wonderful thing in our lives but we put it off or define it as something unattainable. We will even find excuses not to ask, pray or try for that happy something.

Not Kirsten. She had a very strong desire to be an artist for years. When she was no longer a full-time mom, she quickly moved to become an artist, even flying in for art lessons.

She got more than she had bargained for because she also learned about Manifesting 123. Turns out that manifesting was the shortcut for launching her career.

She has to do the artist’s work at the easel but a lot of important items quickly fell into place, materializing quicker than she could’ve imagined. Sales and a professional studio typically come slower than Kirsten experienced.

It’s as if she found a shortcut to selling successfully and procuring that nice, affordable art studio.

It’s not hard. Know what you want and use Manifesting 123 to get you there with an Ease and a Grace.



Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.
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Testimonials and Amazon five-star reviews 

Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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This newsletter is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.


Photo credit: top: unknown, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest




Ken Elliott


  1. Angeline Says: March 10, 2017 at 8:20 am

    Awesome and inspiring story. I would love that for my Interior Design business.
    Thank you and I wish you infinite abundance of health and wealth.

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