Manifesting Those Free Cars!

Manifesting Those Free Cars!


We have been working to manifest a number of things using Manifesting 123.

My husband Richard is manifesting new jobs and has had a couple of interviews recently. I manifested a new art teaching job, and for my energy work second-career, new students and more energy work sessions with paying clients. It is all about doing work that is enjoyable, fun and pays well! So far, so good!

A couple of years ago, before we even knew about your Manifesting 123, we both had white cars that were worn out – my truck and his Diamante. So we went to work on manifesting, using our intentions to get good used cars, safe, reliable, and reasonable on gas. I also added to our intention that we could afford them. Free was what we could afford!

We were sitting at a street art fair that Richard was participating in when his sister-in-law and her friends came by. They asked how things were, “Fine,” we said, but we are looking for a car.

The sister-in-law said she had a car she was ready to give away to a charity and that we should take it. It was her husband’s (Richard’s brother’s) car. Richard was floored and immediately said yes! Richard’s brother had passed away about 3 years earlier so this car was special to him. This was the car his brother drove around in for his sales calls and that’s exactly what my husband needed it for.

All the papers were signed and we had a first-year, green model Prius. Loved it! It was quiet, fun to drive, and it ran great for a year until the engine broke down. We had a dilemma. Should we spend a lot of money to fix this car or get another?

We chose to get another, so Richard put it up for sale and sold it immediately. We were back in the search for another reliable vehicle and in casual conversation with his other brother, my husband mentioned what we were after. His brother said they had an old green Saturn station wagon sitting in the driveway that wasn’t being used. He said we could have it if we came to his home out of state to get it. So we did. We flew out to Des Moines, visited his brother and drove back in the Saturn. We have it still, fixed it a little, and use it daily. It’s just want we need and it is reliable. Both cars were the same color green, and both were free!

We have been so grateful for these vehicles because finances have been very tight. I was flabbergasted upon getting both these vehicles because that is a big thing to manifest. Sure they needed work, but we could afford the repairs. We don’t have car payments and we have continue to have a reliable car. Thank goodness!

If you keep repeating your thought, your intention, it will build the thing you seek.

She didn’t HAVE to know Manifesting 123, she was very aware that her thoughts get results. The couple successfully manifested two new cars and just in time! Sure, they use the Manifesting 123 techniques now because they are simpler and more powerful. It was the same for me. Before the experiences that led me to write the book, I was manifesting as well, just less efficiently.

Bottom line: just ask, wish, make lists, vision boards. Your thoughts are powerful, and they build things, so don’t hold back. Worries are thoughts as well and you don’t want to create those negatives in your life. Learn the importance of your natural gratefulness when manifesting. This doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

It’s all in the book / e-book or you can hear about Manifesting 123 on the quick. Check out my radio interview archives for free. It’s all there for you – it’s your gift.

Wow, two free cars! What’s next for you?

Listen to the entire 123 and you don’t need #3 for free here:  radio interviews. Scroll down to the radio interviews. These are not teasers – you will hear all you need for manifesting wonderful things in your life and finally, how to deal with worry and fear.Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.

View the stories of others that have found success using the very simple techniques in Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3

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Ken Elliott

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