My Little Dreams Were the Key to My Happiness!

My Little Dreams Were the Key to My Happiness!

There are so many stories of people’s dreams and wishes coming true, large and small. Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 explains how these simple thoughts are literally creating results because you repeatedly think of them.

In this story, three events came into play, one being the loss of a full-time job. It all began with those little daydreams and they created a series of opportunities for more happiness. This is a more powerful story than it seems and it shows what you can do!

S. writes:
I’ll just start right here. My life is so good, I sometimes feel like I should pinch myself!! All of this started when I just kept making little daydreams of myself being happy, like ridiculously happy. Not that I’ve ever been in a bad place in my life, but I kept picturing myself in my future, smiling and just tickled with my life.

I was working as a dental assistant and the position I held was really wearing me down. I felt I had to stay in that profession since I had spent so much money to train for it. After talking about this to a couple of my close friends, they urged me to be a yoga teacher, something I’ve been wanting to do since 2015. My friends pointed out that I didn’t have to continue what a called my “life sentence” as a dental assistant just because the schooling cost so much.

I was self-imprisoning and couldn’t move forward. Happiness is my dream, right? I paid for the yoga certification school and started classes online in the evenings. I continued my dental job but once the covid hit, the office closed and they couldn’t bring me back after the shutdown. This is not good! Regardless, I stuck to my dream and continued my online classes, completing them at about the same time.

I was very concerned about losing my job but two wonderful opportunities appeared. First, I took a position where I am part of the transportation department for an Independent Living facility that’s 15 minutes from my home. I’ve never worked that close to home and I really get a soul fix working with the residents. They are all so grateful for anything you do for them. It’s a part-time job and the first I’ve had since I was a teenager. I really love my work there.

Next, I completed my yoga certification and applied for a teaching position at the El Dorado resort and I was accepted! The hours work nicely with my Independent Living job and now I am living my heart’s desire, teaching yoga and giving value to people’s lives.

To my surprise, I noticed that I didn’t have to work full-time for my finances to work out perfectly. That’s when I finally realized I was the only person holding myself back from doing what I really wanted. My life is so much richer! I am working less hours and doing very rewarding work in two very different ways.

I never let go of my happy little daydreams and they created more joy than I had imagined! I am not working jobs now, this is my life’s work and very fulfilling. Sometimes it’s OK to loose that regular job, but never let your dreams go and keep making more!

I haven’t looked back since that moment and I can’t wait to see what else awaits!! I now understand how powerful our “little daydreams” are and I’m not stopping now!

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Photo credit; Pexels / Andre Fertado and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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