17 Feb 2023 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Nice Lesson: Think It and Watch It Happen!
Last night at 5 pm I went for a relaxing walk. It was nice to be out and I was almost daydreaming, not paying a lot of attention, when a thought just came into my head.
I started thinking about a little bobcat that hunts the neighborhood. She is a female and every year she has a litter of babies in my neighbor’s backyard. I had not seen her in a long time and I wondered in a general, unfocused way if she was still around. Then I snapped back into focusing on the present and told myself that I need to put up my wildlife trail camera behind my house to see if she was still coming into the yard.
I knew the bobcat usually came out in the evening, so I decided to install it when I got home from my walk.
I continued on my walk through the neighborhood, looking down at the sidewalk and thinking about where the camera might be stored and what else I would need in order to install it. For several moments I was totally lost in thought about that camera. Then I froze.
There was the bobcat on the sidewalk right in front of me! I had not seen her since last year, but just moments after I started thinking about her, she was there in my path staring at me. We both stopped and looked at each other for a moment and then she ran down into a ravine. What are the chances of that happening, in that moment, when I was thinking of her??
I said to my guides and God, “OK guys I got it, ha ha, ha.” I realized there were a lot of messages for me in that moment: I should be paying attention to what I’m thinking and putting out into the Universe, and while I’m at it, make those thoughts light-hearted instead of fear-based.
I knew these things, but the whole incident was a surprising and humorous reminder for me. The lesson was that even when you don’t think your thoughts matter, they do. Does that apply to manifesting? Yes! That’s the point and the reason I wanted to pass this reminder on to all of you.
Nancy Rynes
Nancy has an inspiring and incredible personal story from her near-death experience and she is also a very accomplished artist. Learn more about Nancy’s experiences and view her artworks via the links below.
Author of Awakenings from the Light
As seen on NBC TV’s TODAY Show
Books & Speaking: NancyRynes.com
Art: NancyRynesStudio.com
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Photo credit: top: unknown, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest