Reprise: You Never Know When the Impossible Solution is Already Waiting for You

Reprise: You Never Know When the Impossible Solution is Already Waiting for You

This is my story and it is an excellent example of how things seemed to be arranged in advance at times. I have often noticed that when an important solution is required, the answer quickly appears and as it was in this instance, it seems to have been pre-arranged. It’s a great story that is worth repeating.

I got a call that my grandmother had died and her funeral would take place in just a few days. She lived in another state and quick flight arrangements would need to be made. After a few calls, I was able to make a reservation with a discount given in these circumstances and it was gratefully accepted.

On the day of my afternoon flight, my wife drove me to the airport we always use and because of the timing, I wasn’t able to have lunch with her before leaving. We got to the airport and as my wife waited, I checked in at curbside. The porter typed in my reservation and looked up at me and said, “You’re at the wrong airport! This flight is for the other airport.” That other airport was over an hour away!

We did get to the first airport a bit ahead of time and if we made a good dash, perhaps I could catch the flight after all. We jumped back in the car and hoped for the best.

When we got to the correct airport it was too late to make the flight. This was a smaller airport with limited flight options, but I needed to book something. I had a very high intention to get a flight that day since the funeral was the next afternoon and now it was going to be a very expensive, same-day booking, if one was available at all. Regardless, I made up my mind to get some kind of flight that day.

We parked the car and my wife and I entered the airport. She went left to the array of airline ticket windows and I went right to get into my intended airlines long line with my expired ticket in hand. My wife came over after working the other airline possibilities and told me that the only thing available today would cost over $1000.

Finally, it was my turn at the ticket window. I gave my expired ticket to the agent and told her I was the dumbest man in the state. I explained how I went to the larger airport I always used instead of reading the ticket and going to this correct, smaller airport.

The agent was kind and didn’t agree with me. She went right to work and started typing in the info from my ticket to see what she could do for me. Clicketly, clicketly and then…

She looked at me with a funny smile on her face and said, “Yes, you missed your flight but starting today, this flight has a new schedule. It added an earlier stop at the airport you came from and has a different flight number.  After making a stop there, it is flying here. The ticket you are holding is still valid because once the plane lands here, it will have the flight number matching your original ticket. It will leave here about an hour from now.” Then there was the best part when she said, “You can’t miss this plane. It’s coming to you.” I was floored. The impossible had just happened.

My wife and I had very strong intentions for me to make that flight in order to attend my Grandmother’s funeral. Was that intention, that quick manifesting enough to do the trick? I’m laughing as I type this. Despite my error, it was just like the agent said, “You can’t miss this flight.” My wife and I had the very nice lunch we had also intended while waiting for the plane to arrive.

I was good that I got to my grandmother’s funeral and joined the family there, miraculous actually. Beautiful things followed…

Some things we can manifest and pray for.
Some things are just luck.
Some things are written.
Sometimes it is all the above.

Keep visualizing, manifesting and if you are inclined, to pray for the things you need and desire.
Don’t stop.


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Ken Elliott


  1. Elizabeth Says: June 9, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    Weird and wonderful! How could that flight have been scheduled like tnat?? So glad you got to be with family
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Elizabeth Says: June 9, 2023 at 9:33 pm

    Weird and wonderful! How could that flight have been scheduled like tnat?? So glad you got to be with family
    Thanks for sharing

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