Take Your Good Song and Make it Better

Take Your Good Song and Make it Better


It is great fun hearing your marvelous stories and talking about Manifesting 123 to people everywhere. They tell me it is the simplest manifesting book they have ever read. Anyone can do this (they do) and have been happily successful (lots of that.) It is just too easy and for some, that creates a problem.

We are raised to think that much has to be put in place to make good things happen. We must be Worthy. We must be very adept at creating and work very hard. We are not good about asking, meditating or praying for things, so we won’t have a good result. These are all common blocks and they do as described – they get in the way of manifesting your desires. Manifesting is far to simple to let this happen. So here’s some help.

Every day, do the Manifesting 123 process. It doesn’t take a lot of time and guess what? It works if you believe it or not. Your thoughts begin to create immediately. So #1, go to your future and imagine that you are already are enjoying the life you choose. It has already happened in your future. Forget any complications or some series of events that have to play out first. You are in your own personal Movie in the future, looking around and enjoying the ride. Your thoughts are creating what you see, hear, smell, etc. So in your Movie, use a lot of your senses to make your thoughts even stronger. It’s all in the book in great detail or listen to my radio interviews here.

Here’s a great tip from Anna Marie. She was having difficulty staying on track with all the scenes in her Movie. I have over a dozen myself and I have the same experience. My mind wanders, I forget some of the scenes, I fall asleep – you name it and we all do it. Don’t worry because your thoughts will gradually build all that is in your movie. Some days you will experience your future better than others, it’s OK and perfectly natural. This is a day after day process and not dependent on how you did last Thursday.

Anna Marie wanted to get the maximum from her movie efficiently so she came up with this nice piece of orginization. She records all of the scenes in her Movie to her smart phone or small recorder. Great! So now she plays back the audio script of her movie and never misses a scene. It’s not necessary to manifesting, you can just as easily work from your memory or a list but it’s a great prompt.  Also, a recording allows you to keep your eyes closed as you continue through your future scenes.

Let’s go for more. Your thoughts and intentions build your target idea day by day. As you add more layers of intention, the closer you get to making your idea manifest. You want to cover all the bases every day for the best result. OK so far. So make a recording with all of the scenes in your movie. You have a couple of choices: an audio with the full detail of each scene or a recorded list of the scenes in your Movie..

Since you want the strongest intention by whatever means, use your voice, talk to your recording. Why? Your voice is another layer of intention and very powerful. If you choose to record your movie in full detail, then jump in and cheerlead what is happening.

Yell back at the recording:
“I LOVE my career”
“I’ve never been so happy. Yesss!”
“This is the best trip ever and I didn’t have to worry about the money. I so beautiful here!”

Remember that after each scene you’re So Grateful.

You get the idea. What you’re doing is loading up each scene with your grateful emotions. When you are in the scene cheering and screaming along, the entire process is amplified in a very good way. At the end of each scene, mention again how grateful you are. You are!

Another way to use this audio is to simply make a list of each scene. It’s like audio bullet points. You hear the scene description but you add the details. Just listen to the name of the scene come up and then pause the audio. Now you can go through each scene in your mind and never miss a single one. Don’t forget, you also have the option to verbalize all you want. When your recording prompts the vacation scene. Hit pause, begin visualizing yourself on that vacation and shout out something like “I just love my future here.” “Wow, I’m in Paris!!!”  Do it again when you hear the name of the next Really Good Future you are going to create.

This is very important. Avoid the trap of letting the recording do the work. Just listening to your recording is not enough. Only you can experience and emotionally load each scene. Take the time to be in your future – touch it, feel the air and drink the expresso at the sidewalk cafe. Don’t let this audio method become rote and boring. We have all listlessly endured some repetitive service or business meeting. Don’t let your recording become that. It is a great tool and a way prompt all of your lovely futures. It works for Anna Marie, so, what are you waiting for? Your future is waiting for you to create it.

Most of us do the Manifesting 123 without an audio prompt, so you don’t have to go out of your way.  Just sayin.’

On the Horizon:

Coming up soon are some very good Manifesting 123 stories: a critical lost and found object, romances and a most unusual business strategy.

I’m excited to announce that very soon, the Manifesting 123 audio book will be released. I’ve done the recordings and the audio book is now in the final edits. I’ll let you know when it’s ready to go!

For the many of you that are new here, thank you. Please take a look at the Manifesting 123 story archive. The stories you generously sent in are amazing. Help yourself to a big dose of encouragement.

Make a delightful wave – pass this onto your friends, support each other, stick with it and share your successes.

I’m for your Happiness!


Do you have a story of your own to share? We would love to hear it.  Send it to Ken

Want to share books with friends? They are discounted for quantities of two or more here.


Listen to recent radio interviews archived:

Come Get it Radio with Wayne and Kelly
Manifesting 123 in detail. Ken discusses how he learned thought is real. Each time he sent something in thought, his gifted friends would see it form up on the other side – in spirit. From this amazing start with marvelous teachers, Ken and his friends learned how to manifest good things in their lives. This is new and important information, simply explained. A caller explains how she used the Manifesting 123 techniques to quickly find the money necessary to move from California and start a new life and career in Colorado. Did anyone say Las Vegas?
listen / download

More radio interviews on the Media pageUpcoming internet radio interviews, workshops and lectures in Denver, Salt Lake and Georgia are posted on the website event page.

Contact Ken about a workshop with your group or in your area.

Do you have your own story to share? Please send it in via the contact form. You will be kept anonymous but your encouraging story will wrap the world. Lives are touched and changed when people had share their experiences. Thank you!

Ken Elliott

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