The Groom’s Amazing Manifestations and One More Lovely Story

The Groom’s Amazing Manifestations and One More Lovely Story


First a disclaimer. Sometimes things are just too good to be true.
We have plenty of ups and downs in our lives and see plenty of bad news in the media everyday. There is plenty of good news to go around each day, but for whatever reason it doesn’t reach us as often. So to finish out 2013, here are some great stories. I know Emily and Ted. They have manifested some amazing things this year, some of which they have shared with us here.

Emily writes:
This week my husband Ted came home from a shopping expedition with this story. Ted recognizes that manifesting can happen in a variety of ways. Our passport saga this summer was quite an eye opener for him, and ever since we have been aware of what our thoughts can manifest. There are three parts to this story and each one is amazing in it’s own way. All of these things happened within a three-week period.

Ted has been sharing this story with everyone. When I heard it I felt so happy for this guy it was almost like it was happening to me. I know the family, but Ted knows them best. All in the family are shining folk with nothing but love on their faces. You never hear a discouraging word from them. One of the family members is a young man about to be married. This is his story.

He wanted very much to give his bride the wedding of her dreams. She was someone that had always wanted a big wedding with all the trimmings and she has a large family with many friends.

He decided to enter a contest to get for her exactly what she wished for. He did not have to wait long. He was overjoyed when he got the phone call telling him he was the winner of the contest! It would provide them with the dream wedding they had hoped for.

This young man was a big dreamer as Ken advises all of us to become. He really wanted the best for himself and his new bride. Not merely a dream wedding but the best he could provide for her AFTER the dream wedding too! So what did he do?

He wasn’t content to simply rest on his laurels, so he entered another contest to win even more money. The very next week, he learned he was the chosen winner of ten thousand dollars!

Well, he thought, I’m on a roll, I think I will go out and purchase a lottery ticket.

Here’s the big pause…

He didn’t win the lottery.

BUT, he got enough correct numbers to win one hundred thousand dollars!

This young man, to the best of my knowledge has not read the book, or any book about manifesting. What he had going for him, as it was told to me, is that he has a huge heart. He is very kind and generous to all his friends, dear ones and nothing but the best will be good enough for the one closest to his heart.

As Ken related it from Judy Goodman in his book, when you are sending a gift from the heart, it always arrives.

One More Lovely Story

Emily continues:
There is another miracle for Xmas in our own family. Our daughter has been wanting a child for several years. Her older brother has 3 and most of her friends have two or more.

Recently, she went to a clinic where they told her after several tests that at thirty-seven with her below average results, it would take her six or seven attempts and she would likely not be successful.

I decided to try a healer who said he could assist, Jerry Wills. I read a book about him where a Peruvian shaman prophesied him to be as an angel who has come to heal all our hurts. On his web site I saw many testimonials, including one where he helped a person who was about to be taken off life support, written off by the medical profession. Jerry brought him back to health and the man suffered no lasting effects from his almost terminal injuries.

I contacted Jerry and asked him a quick question, “Can you readjust infertility?” He answered just as quickly, “Yes.”

Once he finished his efforts with my daughter, he said, “You will be able to conceive on the first try,” and indeed, she did. Somehow we found a way to a solution after years of trial and asking in a number of ways. Her success and the baby to be are our Christmas miracle.

Best wishes,
Emily and Ted

That is a lot to consider.

Thank you Emily and Ted for graciously sharing both of those encouraging stories.

We are empowered to create. Everything around you was thought first. Your thoughts can create anything and they do. It is up to you use them to your advantage. This is not a trying or going-to exercise. Just begin, move forward and put your birth-right, your thoughts to work for you. Now is faster than later!

As I explain in the book and in my radio interviews, all of your prayers, wishes, lists, and vision boards are layers upon layers of thought. Each of your intentions, in whatever form, start to create the very thing in the unseen field around you. This is a revelation. Know that all your intentions are essentially making a mold and filling it. Once this process is complete, your creation will move into your place in the physical world. This is not hoping and waiting, but a process of creating your desire every day until it is done.

It sounds to good to be true as well, but it is a natural law and everyone can do it. You can learn about it in my book or listen to the interviews – people say they have never heard it more simply or powerfully explained. Pray, wish or ask from your heart, but take action. It’s like that lottery ticket. You can’t win if you don’t play.

Get ready for 2014. Figure out where you want to go, what you want to leave behind, and set a resolution to manifest your future. It’s the shortcut to your happiness!

Do you have a story of your own to share? We would love to hear it.  Send it to Ken


Ken Elliott

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