The Universe is Waiting for You, So Please, Don’t Wait for the Universe

The Universe is Waiting for You, So Please, Don’t Wait for the Universe

It is often heard and we say it ourselves, “I’ll leave it to the universe.” OK. For many people that means they are leaving it to God. It’s a good plan and in that case, many of us feel that the implied universe is God and our intention / prayer is heard.

On the other hand, the universe is a very big place with many types of consciousness and who knows who or what we are allowing with that statement. That is not to promote fear or doubt, but this is a great opportunity to be specific and to address God or those you trust in this instance.

In the book Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3, the process of how our thoughts create our physical reality is clearly explained and proofed out. If you have a repetitive thought, so-called good or bad, your thought will begin to create what you imagine: physical items, scenarios, or concepts. This is revolutionary information and it is our great Gift.

It is apparently allowed that our minds can create anything. In the newsletter archive, there are over 300 success stories illustrating how reader’s thoughts are creating specific outcomes again and again.

How does this come about? How is it that our intentions are creating exacting results? Who set this up? How was this made this possible? Regardless, it is in our power to use our thoughts to create anything in our lives. Give it to the universe? OK, but at least in your mind, give it to a powerful and positive universe. Next, you can add your powerful manifesting gift.

Taking personal responsibility comes to mind. If we are blessed with the remarkable gift of creation, then take the initiative and create your own desires. I would offer that the universe is waiting for us to make a move. The universe is set up to react to our thoughts and it will immediately take action. Now that it has been revealed in the book, what we we waiting for?

In my radio interviews I clearly explain all of this. Yes, there is more in the book, but there is no holding back in my interviews. The information you need to get started is freely given. Start now and create the life of your dreams!


Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

Have a manifesting story to share?
This newsletters is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you


Photo credit: left, Diane Gan –  and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott


  1. Mary Fraser Says: February 7, 2020 at 8:09 am

    Always great how you put your finger on an important detail!

    • Ken Elliott Says: February 10, 2020 at 11:32 pm

      Thank you, but I can’t take credit for learning about all the wonderful ways people are manifesting. It is fun to pass it on though!

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