15 Jun 2023 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Yes, With Your Loving Thoughts, You Can Send Gifts to the Deceased
My dear friend, Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton passed away last April 4th. For reasons to follow, I can say that she is a marvelous, joyful person. As a very gifted psychic, she worked with hundreds of people, using her abilities to make contact with deceased relatives and more.
The day after her death, she appeared in spirit form to another gifted person and a good friend to both of us, Peter Marks. Peter can see and hear your guides with his physical eyes and ears. When Lynn appeared to him, he could clearly see and hear her as she stood in his study. She was very joyful, had the body of a 40-year old and on her passing, she had been met by a large number of friends in the spirit realm. She joyfully said she was free three times and clearly demonstrated to Peter how happy she was. …more about Lynn in a bit.
Before I wrote Manifesting 123, and you don’t need #3, I learned from William Buhlman, the out of body author, and Judy Goodman, another highly gifted friend who can fully sense the spirit realms with her physical senses, about how our thoughts create form. When working with Judy over the years I would sometimes send her objects in thought, and since she allowed those to pass through her protective perimeter, she received what I had sent her with my thoughts every time. This experience was far too important to keep to myself or for a small circle of friends, so I published my book explaining this and how to use it for your own benefit. There are now over 450 stories from readers archived on the manifesting123.com website.
So here’s one of those stories, and a most incredible one about what thought can do that happened to me just a couple of weeks ago.I was on a video call with Peter Marks, but before we could begin our conversation, Peter told me that Lynn just appeared and that she has a question for me, “Did you send me something?”
Actually, I did, having sent her two things days earlier. I know that thought is real, powerful, and you can create things for yourself and also, you can send them to people who are no longer in the physical realm. I have done this many times, and sometimes when I have sent things to the deceased, the successful result has been proofed out to me.
In Lynn’s case, I waited a month after her death before I sent her something because on her first visit to Peter, she instructed him to let her friends know that she is fine and very happy but please don’t send her things just yet since she was in an adjustment period and very busy “over there.”
Since a month had passed, I used my thoughts to send her a rose to lay in her right hand and for fun, a favorite fun snack Lynn and her deceased husband both liked, Jack-in-the-Box tacos. They were a couple when they were very young and they liked those tacos from their early courtship and later, their married life together. So I used my thoughts to send them these gifts as Judy had taught me many years ago. She informed me that when you are sending a gift in thought, it will automatically come from your heart and the combination of your thought and the loving source is a powerful intention, one that they will get every time.
So back to Lynn’s question, I was very happy that she asked if I had sent her something but before I could answer, she asked a second, different question, “Did you send me a painting?” That really surprised me. Shortly after her death, there was a photo of her on social media where she and a friend were standing on the beach with a sunset behind them. Of course I liked the picture of Lynn, but as an artist I was very drawn to the sunset background. I brought the photo into Photoshop, revealed more of the background clouds and began to create a 3 x 3′ square oil painting of that sky.
I was often thinking of Lynn while creating the painting, about three weeks, and when it was finished, I thought to title it Lynn’s Sunset. I really didn’t like the sunset title since Lynn had passed, so I changed it to Lynn’s Sky.
Now Lynn was asking if I had sent her a painting. It wasn’t literally true, but I had been thinking of her while creating that painting for weeks and that makes for a very strong intention. To keep things simple I answered back, “Yes I did.“
And then the most wonderful thing happened. Lynn asked, is the title Lynn’s Sky?” I was floored. I know about these things but every once in a while, the realization of what our intentions can create looks miraculous. Peter knew nothing about this painting, he was simply using his gifts to relay messages as he saw and heard them from Lynn.
I was overjoyed and told Lynn yes, that was the title! It was an incredible moment. Then I remembered the earlier gifts I had sent to her. I got a feeling that she was about to leave so I quickly asked her if she got the tacos? She laughed and said that she did!
Just today I was thinking about this story for the newsletter and talking with Judy Goodman. I wanted her to hear story and then it occurred to me to send Lynn an entire Jack in the box building in a beautiful setting with people in spirit manning it. Her private Jack in the Box is available anytime she and her guests want to swing by. She won’t have to wait on me!
I kept this story light, but there is some serious business here. This is what your thoughts can do, a remarkable demonstration of how loved ones can be drawn to us, observe our ups and downs and how we can reach out to them. Don’t hesitate to send loving things to those that are no longer here on Earth. They will get your thoughtful gifts and if they’re not ready at that exact moment, your kind gifts will be put on the shelf, so to speak, for a later time when it’s best for them.
Let’s see what your thoughts can do for you, the world, and for those you care about wherever they are.
Lynn’s Sky
Oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
More about this oil
For private sessions contact:
Judy Goodman website
Peter Marks website
More about William:
William Buhlman website
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Photo credits:
top: Pixels / Clement Eastwood and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest