Your Checks are in the Mail!

Your Checks are in the Mail!

Denae writes:

I lost my corporate job in a lay off over a year ago and I had received the last severance check this past May. I was searching for employment and also researching a business that would be about helping others. I had read Manifesting 123 and I was using the ‘Movie’ to create a future where all my expenses and needs are taken care of. 

I was at the point where I was going to need more income pretty quick.

Around that time, I was talking to a friend. I was explaining the Manifesting 123 book to her and talking about how to use thought in the future you create to manifest things. Then it hit me. I remembered something from a film or book where a man went to a mailbox and retrieved envelops with checks in them. Up to this point my manifesting scenarios were very general and without visuals. 

My friend and I immediately did our movies together and we felt profound love and gratitude for what we created in our futures. It was the first time I used a visual in my movie: seeing myself actually getting checks in the mail.

I forgot about it until the next day. I went to my front door just as the mailman was coming up the walk. He handed me a stack of letter-sized envelopes. I knew what they were before I opened them. Unexpected checks! I got goose bumps all over.

The envelopes contained twelve checks! The strange thing was that all twelve checks were from the hospital where I had therapy treatments almost two years before. Those were very expensive treatments mostly covered by insurance, and my co-payment portion was between $150-$200 each session.

This group of checks totaled almost $2200 and there was no explanation for the refund. It was just a stack of checks without supporting paperwork! It was also odd that I had not received just one check, but multiple checks in separate envelopes. I called the hospital and was transferred around. When I finally got to the right department, the person on the phone couldn’t find a record of the checks or the reason I should have them. Finally, a supervisor said that I should just cash them.

This unexpected blessing turned out to be just the right amount for me. I was able to meet my expenses comfortably and I continue to do so now. After that experience, I’ve been very encouraged to use Manifesting 123 daily and I am now manifesting many more things including my perfect career.  

My daughter was skeptical of my story, saying that the hospital refund was in progress long before I did the movie. I personally have had convincing experiences showing me that time beyond the physical is not the same as the realm beyond our normal senses. In this other realm, there is no space/time. Regardless of what I think, it doesn’t have to make sense. I have clearly seen how thoughts create. It is for me to know and use.

I have had others stories after taking the Manifesting 123 Workshop, but this one with the checks is the most dramatic so far. 

This book is brilliant in its simplicity and goes beyond any other manifesting books or techniques I have come across. I have never heard anyone else explain the process of how we manifest before so clearly and simply.

Thank you to Ken’s very special mentors! It makes perfect sense and understanding how thought really works makes all the difference. I love the part about addressing concerns or fears by scheduling actions too.

As Ken says, we are already expert at manifesting. So decide on where you want to go and what you desire to do. Be aligned with your true purpose and dreams. Manifesting is incredibly useful and fun!

One day results… amazing!


Denae was already using the Manifesting 123 techniques but she made two important changes.

The first was to create a move where she actually saw the checks she received. Then she infused her scene with emotion and gratitude. I should point out that the solution didn’t have to be a check. Financial solutions come in a variety of ways: a reduction in rent, refunds, bonuses, gifts. These are the equivalents of money.

When we have a problem fast approaching or surrounding us, it is normal to slide into worry and fear. Denae made the smart move. She envisioned a future where she saw the solution handed to her and she felt a grateful result.

Please remember that fear and worries are thoughts and they create anything. Thought is a natural law like gravity. Gravity pulls things to the ground without judgement and it works equally for everyone. Your thoughts just make things, anything,  and it starts creating from your mind immediately. 

Take advantage, get the book or listen to my interviews explaining it all for free here.

Check’s in the mail!


Announcing the second Workshop for Business Owners and artists:

Many success stories have been coming in from the small and big business world. After more requests, I am offering the second Manifesting 123 class directed toward those wishing to build their careers or businesses. I hope to see you at the Workshop Saturday, January 31 at my home in the Denver metro. We will light up the room!  Workshop info


Want more? (it’s a fun ride)  Purchase the book or e-book.
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Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Ken Elliott

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