27 Apr 2018 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Allowed: You Can Manifest for Yourself. So What Do You Desire?
C. and I met on an airplane recently and got into a delightful discussion about manifesting. Here’s her recent note.
Dear Ken,
Greetings! Thank you for sending me your link. I think of you daily and smile at our chance meeting.
Your question, “What do you wish for?” had me so stumped at the time. But later, a flood of things came to mind, none of them earth shaking, but still things I would like to have in my life. I realized I was very blocked when it came to thinking about my own needs and desires. So lately I have been having a lot of fun thinking of things I require and hope for, being grateful and even playing around in my “movie” a bit.
Thinking positively every day is utterly delightful, and does bring a sense of well being. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and thinking of these things with me.
I hope all is well with you. I am grateful to have spent the plane ride from Chicago to Charlottesville with you!
Another reader, M., saw this note and sent in this response:
I totally relate to her comment. I went through several years when the only thing I could think of that I wanted was some summer flowers on my back deck. I just didn’t know how to think about manifesting for myself that way. Denial of self is not very profitable for any part of one’s life. There is always room for improvement in every direction!
Ken replies:
Thank you both for your illuminating notes and the inspiration to adress this subject.
Your thoughts create form and concepts. It has been clearly demonstrated to me many times, even in real-time!
Here what our thoughts do:
If you find yourself repeating a thought, positive or negative, the thought will build what you are thinking as if it were slowly making a wall, brick by brick. This is how thoughts commonly become physical realities.
Add an emotion to the same thought, joy or worry, (love or fear) and you have added one of the two most powerful forces in existence to your singular thought. When you add the emotion of love or fear to your idea, those forces will amplify your thought and bring it into your physical reality more efficiently.
The bottom line:
Your thoughts can create anything and you were born fully empowered to do so. It is OK to desire, manifest and if you are so inclined, pray for good things for others and, and … and for YOU.
I wish us all health, happiness, and safety. It is also my hope that all are loved and admired, living comfortably and in a favorable position to help others.
You have the power, the gift to ask and manifest remarkable things in your life. Get the book or explore the many interviews on the Manifesting 123 website. Learn how simple it is to create beautiful changes in your life.
Now is a perfect time to start. We are waiting to hear about your next, big success!
P.S. Don’t limit the outcome by specifying that things have to happen a certain way. Here’s more on the topic with valuable information to get started or to tune up your current manifesitng practice:
Manifesting Tip: The Value of Flexibility
You are working with an unlimited universe, so go Big!
Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3.
There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!
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Photo credit: Claudya, and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest