Manifesting Tip: The Value of Flexibility

Manifesting Tip: The Value of Flexibility

I recently had a conversation with my good friend Barbara about the idea of manifesting and surrender, a topic covered in this newsletter last month:
How to Deal with Fear and About the Idea of Surrender

She talked about her recent, private session with Judy Goodman and relayed some important suggestions Judy had made. Judy is the person mentioned numerous times in Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3. Among her many gifts is the ability to watch our thoughts coalesce into form in the ‘spirit,’ non-physical realm around us. Judy’s experiences allow her amazing insights into what our prayers and thoughts do. It is a delight and privilege to pass this important information onto you, so thank you Barbara and Judy.

After hearing this specific information from Judy, Barbara likes to label this as the idea of flexibility. Often we get very specific when asking or manifesting outcomes for that job, lifestyle, or partner.

Judy offers that the God of your understanding, as Judy likes to say, doesn’t need that level of detail. Our view of potential outcomes is very limited. Regardless, we press on to create our best outcome without realizing that we are actually suggesting or even demanding a lesser solution.

Here’s a suggestion, leave out the smaller details and keep to the big picture. If you could create the best possible outcome then why settle for less? We are worthy. Our prayers are heard and further, we can create with our thoughts, and that brings up two variables. What will the outcome look like and when?

For decades I have heard Judy offer this ideal phrase, “Ask that your best and highest intentions be done.” That covers a lot of territory and it also lessens the burden of the what or when.  Barbara likes to add, “… and that it has opened up and is rapidly rushing to me now,” a nice touch.

Our idea of perfecting the outcome is another way of saying, “I won’t have it unless it is this.”

I like the song by Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers.
“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs
That just because he may not answer doesn’t mean he don’t care.
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered.”

Our lives proceed in a series of planned and unplanned steps. It may be the job that takes care of us for now but it is not the ultimate career choice. We have the opportunity to gracefully learn during this time. We can also be stubborn and resist the idea that we are in a good place for the moment. All is well and worth our gratitude, but we feel a lack, and it creates misery for ourselves.

It comes back to the idea of asking and manifesting the best possible future and being flexible about the timing and the path it will take. Allow yourself what Barbara calls the joy of the beautiful surprise, How may times have we been thrilled by an outcome better that we could possibly imagine? These beautiful moments are yours for the asking.

What would the best and highest good in your life look like? It may take some courage and flexibility on your part but that powerful phrase suggests fulfillment and happiness. Make your happy and intriguing future come true.


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Photo credit: top, unknown and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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