15 Dec 2023 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Eleven Favorite Manifesting Stories from 2023
This is a remarkable recap of manifesting stories for the year. Included here are two stories where contact was made with loved ones that had passed and exchanges of gifts between them. How informative and timely for the holidays, and for all times.
Manifesting Protection in Advance: Then the Angels Came
Tim writes,
My job is delivering fine artworks from artists, galleries and collectors. On this day my job was to pick up works from an artist in Colorado, my first stop and I woke up at 3:30 AM to get on the road. Each day I begin with a meditation, prayer and manifesting, part of which is to ask for protection and express my gratitude for many things. It’s a good thing I did!
I Was in a Fix For a Place to Live and My Manifesting Fixed It!
W. writes:
I’ve had many thoughts these last few months as my life changed significantly on all fronts; mentally, physically, financially and to some degree spiritually. I read Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 repeatedly and each time, discovered new tidbits of wisdom and kernels of truth I previously missed. I needed a miracle and fast.
I Created the View I Had Been Longing For!
Sue writes:
Many years ago, I had a small bungalow in a nice Denver metro neighborhood. I lived there comfortably but it came to a point in my life where I decided I needed a big change. I wanted to be an artist and to live in the country. Could manifesting create and the view too?
Intentions Are So Powerful – Success! (and the resulting wall accessories came out nicely too)
Mary is a dear friend and artist. I asked her today if she had a manifesting story to share and she surprised me with this. It’s a great example of making an intention, staying with it, and making it work. I have always admired her art, diligence and success. Here’s how…
My Mom’s Miraculous Story. It Was the Prayer
N. Writes:
My mom took a bad fall in injured her knee. The pain increased over the next few days so she went to the doctor and was informed she had damaged her knee. It was serious and to be helpful, I said a prayer on her behalf. What happened next was a complete miracle.
Manifesting the Answer to “What is it I am here to do?”
Ken writes:
As a writer and full-time artist, I sometimes see those worlds combine. Last weekend I was teaching art classes for three days and during some of our off-time, topics like manifesting were discussed. Then the magic happened!
Yes, With Your Loving Thoughts, You Can Send Gifts to the Deceased
Ken writes:
My dear friend, Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton passed away last April 4th. This is a remarkable story with a proof of life after death and how we can interact with each other even after that so-called death. We live on….
There is More Than Just the Law of Attraction: A Primer
I am for all forms of manifesting, however you go about it. If you have a positive, repeating intention then you are on the right track. Please note that your negative, repeating intentions will also create results, the undesirable ones. Here is the how-to in one place, one of those rare keys to the universe and It’s all right here for you to get started now!
Manifesting Works, Sometimes with Delays, So Stay With It!
Ken writes:
Stories like this one are not unusual. Even when we are continually manifesting, we will sometimes find that we were in our own way, other people or groups were involved that created more complications, or we not quite ready to get the keys to the Maserati, so to speak. Regardless, don’t give up because your thoughts are continually building the desires that you seek!
Manifesting from the Kitchen and Into the World
When we are repetitively thinking on a focused idea, your thoughts are literally building it. This is at the core of Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3. Ken Here is a great example of continually manifesting and growing something new and successful.
My Daughter Died, But My Intentions Created a Loving and Surprising Connection
This is the second important story illustrating what our intentions and thoughts can do, even beyond physical death. A grieving mother has shared this story, and it is a remarkable gift offered to us all for the holiday season.
May your holidays and this coming year be filled with joy, fulfillment and every happiness!
Photo credit:
Pixels, Roman Odintsov right, thefunnybeaver and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest
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Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!
Have a manifesting story to share?
This newsletter is published twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays. Your wonderful manifesting stories continue to come in, and thank you for those. Do you have a story? Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter, I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.