I Manifested My Second Great Job. This Works!

I Manifested My Second Great Job. This Works!

This is the second time that Barbara has manifested a great job. The first one was exactly what she needed and it came just in time! Here is that story.

That initial job was ideal, until it wasn’t. Things change, we grow and our needs change. When the time came to search for new employment, Barbara knew what to do and created her personal ‘miracle.’


Barbara writes:
I wrote to you last year about getting my dream job a the largest science Museum in the western hemisphere but even better things have come my way since then.

Last summer, I grew unhappy with my Museum job. My boss had decided that she needed a traditional secretary rather than an executive assistant. The room for growth that was initially proposed with this job vanished. I was literally stuck at my desk all day answering a phone that rarely rang.

So I used the Manifesting 1,2,3 information once again to create my next wonderful job. I began to see my future and in that future, I was in a job that utilized my natural gifts and talents, paid me far more and gave me a private office. I didn’t know where it would be, only that they would find me and it would be the perfect job for me.

Within three days of starting this movie…I received two emails from two different companies that had seen my resume on Career Builder. I had no recollection of even posting a resume there!

Both companies wanted me to come in for an interview.  Each job offered more growth and a much larger salary. Eventually, each employer offered me the listed jobs and each came up in salary in order to snag me.

I was confused as to which one was the right one for me, so I sat down and gave thanks, asking that the right job floated to the top so I could see the difference. Within a couple of days, a snarky email from one recruiter wondering why I never responded to an email made things clear. The recruiter had actually sent my confirming email to a person with a name similar to mine.  I never received it. He didn’t seem at all concerned that he had made a mistake and I since found him to be less than professional in the way he handled things, I accepted the offer from the other company.

On the first day of my new job, I was ushered into my private office with a view of the Chicago skyline! I am still here and growing. My job has expanded and I am appreciated and respected.  This literally is the perfect job for me as it truly does use my natural gifts and talents.

There are over 200 stories on the Manifesting 123 website. Other readers are writing in with their very encouraging success stories, all searchable by keywords. Get the book, learn what they are doing, then get going! Once you know how manifesting actually works, it’s not likely you will let it go!

Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: Haynes and Boone and
Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott


  1. That is awesome. I am in a similar situation. I used the movie-manifesting idea to manifest a job after 7 years of unemployment.
    But in that new job I was underpaid and under appreciated. So I decided to go manifest a more wonderful job with $20,000 more yearly paid.

    Well, 2 days ago I received an interview for a job I never applied for, because someone told the manager about me. It is $25,000 more yearly salary!

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