Manifesting Works, Sometimes With Delays, So Stay With It!

Manifesting Works, Sometimes With Delays, So Stay With It!

Stories like this are not unusual. Even when we are continually manifesting, we will sometimes find that we were in our own way, other people or groups were involved that created more complications, or we not quite ready to get the keys to the Maserati, so to speak. Regardless, don’t give up because your thoughts are continually building the desires that you seek!

C writes:
First, I want to say that I can’t imagine not having a manifesting regimen in my life right now.
It gives me hope and it delivers, even if it takes a little time. So hear is my story that I wanted to pass on to everyone.

About three years ago when the Covid lockdown happened, I realized I couldn’t travel and I was thinking it would be really fun to go on a cruise. And then I thought, but I can’t this is, I can’t do this. But then again, I could I can do it in my imagination and perhaps manifest it. I could certainly go online and look at cruises, everything about them and the entire scene. So I began to make a study of luxury vessels, shipbuilders and the whole gamut. I immersed myself in this, envisioned being onboard and seeing the stars from the ship, the cabins, dining rooms and the people onboard. I did this a number of times a week for about three months, it was like my little mini-holiday and I was really enjoying myself.

Eventually I let it go and then about a year later in a conversation with a friend, she mentioned that she was about to go on a cruise. She was telling me the details of where they were going, etc, and I thought, “Hey, wait a minute, that was my dream!”

As I’m listening to her I’m getting so excited for her and thinking that these things actually happen. The next day I got on my laptop to check out Alaska cruises. I found a travel agency close by and the agent began to search for a type of stateroom I inquired about. Unfortunately, she said they’re all booked and then our connection was suddenly cut off.

Three hours later the agent called me back and I asked her if there’s anything available on a different date that would work for me.As it turns out, there was only one cabin available on a ship that held about 3000 people! I booked it immediately and it felt so natural to make that reservation without any hassle or struggle, all falling into place for my sister and I. Oh, and that stateroom happened to have a balcony.

I kind of forgot about the cruise idea until my friend mentioned it. I felt like I had booked the trip already, that it is was a certainty and it taught me to never give up on my dreams!

By the way, cruising with my sister was great and I enjoyed watching her have fun. Alaska is a beautiful cruise destination.


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Photo credit:
top: and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott


  1. Thank you for a great example of the dream manifestation! My take away lately is the use of “fun” as a component of the imagined outcome. You showed me this with joy.Cool!

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