More Sleep, Less Stress. More of This, Less of That, Please!

More Sleep, Less Stress. More of This, Less of That, Please!

We hear this often, “I’m not getting enough sleep.” Before taking another step into the subject, consider that the cause may require medical assistance and chronic sleep problems should be looked into.

Sleep loss has a lot of causes and a number of solutions. Most are obvious within our  environment and it is likely that we already know the solution. Instead, let’s tackle on of the more common causes of sleep deprivation.

We lay awake and go over things… and over things. There are those problems and ideas to grind on. We have important conversations with people that aren’t even there, hashing out some slight and attempting to turning the subject to our favor. This is hard to do for a couple of pretty solid reasons. The only one home is you, not at full strength and trying to reason through real concerns.

Here’s a practical question. How many times have you actually solved one of these problems in the middle of the night? I suspect the number is pretty close to zero. It is far more common that we wake up with a solution or a fresh insight or a short time later during our morning routine. Obviously we perform better awake over the grogged out state, so here are a couple of helpful ideas.

I had this problem for decades and in a moment of daylight clarity, and after calculating my zero success rate I declared myself (not you dear one) stupid. That was insulting but it was true. I was trying to take on problems in the worst possible way. Could I stop the habit? Yes, but it took a number of laughs in the middle of the night telling my brain to let it go. Did I want to be do better or get some sleep? It eventually worked and continues to this day.

After writing Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3, I learned an even better way and it works for much more than sleep problems. Now that you have read this far, here is the real payoff. Those annoying problems that continually bother you can often be stopped or much reduced by manifestIng the solution.

It’s in the book and it’s very simple. Your thoughts create and they create the future. To put that to work for a sleeping problem or stress, to name another simply take a little time each day and imagine that you are sitting comfortably in your future. Say to yourself, I am I’m my future, and in my future I sleep well every night and always wake up refreshed. How wonderful! It just started happening and I am so very grateful! Just repeat this ‘future’ once a day and your thoughts will efficiently go to work creating to solution you desire.

To keep this brief, here are links to explain this in greater detail. Is there more in the book? Sure, but everything you need is here along with remarkable stories from readers. I’m looking forward to hearing yours soon!

Stress and fear:
Here’s the Whole Toolbox for Working On Those Worries and Stresses

I Just Woke up Happier!


Go to the Interviews page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3. There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!

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Photo credit: Burnaby Counseling Group and Manifesting 123 on Pinterest

Ken Elliott

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