25 May 2018 / by Ken Elliott / in Stories
Review: What’s Been Manifesting in 2018 So Far!
Looking back at reader’s stories from the 1st half of 2018 is nothing short of remarkable. Here are some joyful and amazing highlights.
Manifesting Success During a Difficult Job Search
“I’m a tech executive in a very fast-moving and fascinating business environment. It was time for me to look for other opportunities so I hired a professional networker. His job was to get my resume out of front of other executives and find other possibilities to advance my career.” Then it got complicated, but the executive and his wife manifested a great solution together!
Sleeping Problems for 17 Years: Solved With Manifesting and One Remarkable Dream
A few months ago, Ken and I discussed some alternative metaphysical possibilities and they worked somewhat. I had begun to ask for and to manifest a solution to my sleep difficulties. It paid off because the other day things changed dramatically
Want Results? Never Stop Manifesting. Just Ask Tina.
Thank you Tina for your impressive manifesting story! Your goals were clear and you kept to a simple “script.” But along the way to our happy day, our plans we make don’t always turn out as we wish. Note that Tina’s very successful story contains an important caveat: don’t let a lack of instant success, lack of confidence or depression keep you from purposely manifesting your desires every day.
I Faced Death and Then Found Fulfillment
Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 is unique in the manifesting and positive thinking literature because it clearly describes how our thoughts create anything. To put it simply, our repetitive thoughts create form and outcomes. Wendy’s story illustrates another tool for manifesting: focused determination.
I Manifested Big Time Without Really Knowing How. This Is Amazing!
Jackie is a manifesting pro! In her letter, she demonstrates how repetitive thoughts will create outcomes. We are all doing this constantly and our lives reflect our thinking in positive or less than optimal ways. Jackie knows how!
I Went for Happiness and Worthiness: There Were Side Effects!
Something about that movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Read about the magic of Manifesting, Letting Go and then… Romance!
More Sleep, Less Stress. More of This, Less of That, Please!
Practical help and Manifesting Magic! Don’t miss out on what is offered in this very important newsletter.
Manifesting the Big Goals, Beyond the Small Change
It’s OK to start small and it’s allowed to go BIG. From finding small change to paying off the home mortgage! Way to go Scott!
My Dreams Were Building All This Time, Then the Surprise!
A fairy tale story that began 45 years ago but she manifested it. When all was ready, the wish came true.
The Accident and Addiction. Grace, Prayer and Manifesting
This is a very tough story about how our lives can change in an instant, resulting in a very serious addiction and what our manifesting and prayers can overcome.
Don’t miss this one…
My deepest thanks to all that shared their very personal stories.These stories are the proof that manifesting works.Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3explains at last how your thoughts actually build the solutions. Just like stacking bricks, your thoughts literally to create what you think. No more wishing and hoping – find out the real secret to creation, make it work for you and tell everyone!
I am so thankful for you all,
Go to the Interviews Page to see and hear Ken talking about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3.
There is new information here and you won’t hear it anywhere else. It is so simple. Make it work for you!
Have a manifesting story to share?
Please email it in and if it is used for this newsletter I’ll send you a free, signed copy of the book as a thank you.
Photo credit: LovetoKnow and Manifesting123 on Pinterest