The Unbelievable Request. Don’t Try This!

The Unbelievable Request. Don’t Try This!


What should I ask for? Be smart!

That is totally up to you, thank goodness! You are free to create anything without limits. Create an excess in your life of joy and affluence and give the extra away. Overflow your cup and share if you like. Go beyond the minimum and fly. I find myself asking for a number of good things throughout the day and at times I may feel anxious with some requests. There is that phrase, “Be careful what you ask for.”

Here is a cautionary story from a few months ago.

Two friends and I went out for dinner one night. We were enjoying ourselves in conversation and included our waitress from time to time. Our talk turned to manifesting, and when our waitress overheard a bit of what we were saying, she nodded in approval. “So do you ask or wish for things to come into your life?” I asked her.

“Funny you should ask that,” she said with a faraway look on her face. “A month ago I was asking to be in a car wreck.”

“What?” we all asked in unison, shocked.

The waitress said a few months earlier her girlfriend had been involved in a car accident. Apparently the girlfriend came away with little or no injuries and with another bit of good fortune. She received a monetary settlement as a result of the collision. Our waitress didn’t disclose the amount but apparently the payment provoked an idea.

“So, you were wishing for a car wreck so you could get a cash settlement?” I asked.

She had a half smile and ironic look on her face. It was obvious she had given this a lot of thought. “Yes, it’s seemed like a pretty good idea at the time,” she said.

The three of us were in a state of disbelief. We were in the manifesting choir. All of us had talked about intention and positive thoughts many times. We would never in our wildest dreams put out an intention like that.

Our minds registered an alarm but we started laughing at the absurdity of her request. Like waiting for a man to step on a banana peel, we wanted to know what was coming next, but part of us did not want to know. We leaned forward…“So?”

“Two weeks ago I was crossing the street and I got hit by a car.”

“You’re kidding!” I said. “You weren’t in a car. You were a pedestrian and got hit by a car?”

I’m glad she kept that grin. “Yes, I was walking across the street and got hit. I’m okay though. It was very minor and everything turned out alright.”

“I can’t believe you did that,” I said as we all laughed with relief. “Obviously you needed the money. Did you get a settlement?”

“No,” she said, “but I did learn a good lesson.”

Don’t mess around with natural laws.

At the core of Manifesting 123 is this fundamental truth: your thoughts build things. Really. You can build the sweet, you can manifest your worries and even make catastrophes.

It has been my experience for many years that when you are thinking of something, it begins to form up on the other side. Many times I would send things in thought to my dear friend Judy Goodman and she was gifted enough to see what I was creating from 2000 miles away. It would begin to materialize as a vaporous form in her living room! This is new information and with it you are no longer in the hoping and waiting mode. Your thoughts will create anything you point yourself to.

If you continue to think on an object or concept, it will begin to form and go from a vapor to something so solid and full-color in the spirit realm that it will manifest into your physical world. Anything. Always. It is a Law of Nature just like gravity. You don’t have to be an expert at dropping things – that is what gravity does. No skills are necessary to harness gravity and it is the same with manifesting. It’s all in the book waiting for you hit the switch!

Did I just hear a click?



Pass this story onto a friend

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Listen to recent radio interviews archived:

Celestial -Energies & Lordiel
Lordiel and Ken discuss the Manifesting 123 techniques. At it’s core, your thoughts begin to form up on the other side and Ken describes his experiences on the topic. He makes it clear that your desires and worries both begin to manifest immediately and the discussion gives time to both. In these interviews, Ken goes through the 123 and in the Dec 9 interview they focus on worry and gratitude. On Feb 4 Ken covers the entire 123 and has amazing stories to tell.

listen / download  November 1, 2013
listen / download  December 9, 2013
listen / download  February 4, 2014  

More radio interviews on the Media page

Upcoming internet radio interviews, workshops and lectures in Denver, Salt Lake and Georgia are posted on the website event page.

Contact Ken about a workshop with your group or in your area.

Do you have your own story to share? Please send it in via the contact form. You will be kept anonymous but your encouraging story will wrap the world. Lives are touched and changed when people share their experiences. Thank you

Ken Elliott

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