


Ask Yourself, Where Do You Want to Go? What Do You Want To Do?

Ask Yourself, Where Do You Want to Go? What Do You Want To Do?

Ken writes: This is my story, something that happened long before I was aware of how manifesting works and later wrote a book about it. Years ago, I worked at a large gallery in Houston and when that ended, the architect next door recommended that I sell something they use a lot of: glass, furniture, wall coverings, carpet, etc. After looking around, it seemed the carpet...

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A Peek inside the Angelic Lost and Found Office?

A Peek inside the Angelic Lost and Found Office?

J. writes: I lost the brown box I put my essential oils in.I spent a week looking for it everywhere and I so mean everywhere, repeatedly! Finally, I stopped looking and decided to pray to the angels to have the box returned to me. I knew the last place I left it was with my car.I was going to carry it out of my car...

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Fun on the meadow

I Ditched that Crisis Driven System and then the BIG BREAK Happened. Hello NBC

By Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light Nancy’s book website    Nancy’s art website As an artist and author, I have used prayer and manifesting to create some amazing results. Sometime back I used manifesting to create a very nice PR break for my paintings – an article and free ad in a national art magazine. That was just the boost I needed at the...

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With an Ease and a Grace

With an Ease and a Grace

Nancy Rynes is an author and dear friend. She was involved in a serious accident resulting in her having one of the more remarkable near-death experiences (NDE) I have ever heard of.She was in what many would call Heaven for the equivalent of 2-3 months. Her book is a must-read. I am passing on Nancy’s newsletter this week, a part of which includes a conversation we recently...

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Make it Happen with a Good Business Plan and Manifesting!

Make it Happen with a Good Business Plan and Manifesting!

Bob is a fixture in the Denver art scene as an independent artist that doesn’t need gallery representation to get by. He has work in a prominent Denver museum and is a big supporter of other artists, showing them how to be successful in their careers, each in their own way. Here is another story showing the simplicity and power of thought when it is...

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The Unbelievable Request. Don’t Try This!

The Unbelievable Request. Don’t Try This!

Recently I’ve had a number of conversations with friends and readers where we earnestly discuss manifesting concepts and practices. In our discussions we often find ourselves falling into habitual phrases like, “There is no way I can make this happen,” or the classics, “I’m in such a bad place,” and “I can’t afford to do that.” What we think and say creates. So on that note, here is...

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What Would You Manifest if You Could?

What Would You Manifest if You Could?

Here is a gentle story about asking for a gift, one of guidance and knowing. We can manifest more than things. Think about those concepts that would be of great benefit to you: wisdom, happiness, calm, love and more. There are no limits but answers can come in many forms. Ken Davie writes: When I was in my 30’s, I decided that I wanted an...

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Note to Self:  Don’t Forget to Use Manifesting 1, 2, 3 for Everything!

Note to Self: Don’t Forget to Use Manifesting 1, 2, 3 for Everything!

Richard writes: I am a self-employed, small product manufacturer. My business is steady and successful but there is always room for more, right? Aside from my usual work, individuals and businesses would sometimes contact me for specialized, commissioned items. I really enjoy doing them and it is additional business that wouldn’t normally have. These commissions were coming in sporadically, just a few a year, but...

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Long Odds on That Favorable Outcome? Talk to Ava

Long Odds on That Favorable Outcome? Talk to Ava

Here’s a simple thought. Do you have wishes or desires? Take Ava’s lead and turn them into goals, then add manifesting and watch what happens. Ken Ava writes: I work hard to be the very best mom to my dear daughters.As a single, working mom it isn’t the easiest task and finances are tight, but my daughters and I are a great team. I have...

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How Could A Home on the River Flow to Me?

How Could A Home on the River Flow to Me?

We are well past 200 stories in this newsletter and each one is extraordinary and special in its own way. Some outcomes seem larger than others but that’s not the point. People are asking for things or concepts and they are seeing results. Fast or slow, big or small, whatever they repetitively put their minds to began manifesting in their lives. This is the book that explains...

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