


When I Try, I’m Good at Manifesting, Including My Special Delivery

When I Try, I’m Good at Manifesting, Including My Special Delivery

I’ve been reading some of these stories and I can relate to the power of manifestation. I was taught at a very young age (12) to write down your dreams and goals. So I did, but stopped because I was way too young and restless to understand the power of manifesting. If my dreams didn’t happen immediately, I stopped DREAMING. As I got older, I...

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Manifesting the Big Goals, Beyond the Small Change

Manifesting the Big Goals, Beyond the Small Change

Thank you for the story about your Big Result! Ken I remember talking to Ken about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 when the book first came out. I was working hard to make ends meet. My job at the time didn’t pay that well, so coming up with extra money would great. The book gave me the idea to manifest more money and...

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Get Creative: Manifest it BIG!

Get Creative: Manifest it BIG!

Ken and I were talking the other day about my new business plan, the garden level apartment I recently renovated as a rental. I had a unique approach to manifesting the perfect tenants for my apartment and Ken asked it I would pass it onto you. Initially I had intended to rent it out unfurnished for long-term rentals. Some remodeling would be required and since the...

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Want to Make Things Happen? For Starters, Just Ask

Want to Make Things Happen? For Starters, Just Ask

Liza is someone that uses Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 as well as prayers. In this case, she decided to use another method that is pretty reliable for her, simply asking for help. Don’t be reluctant to ask for help, pleazzze! Liza has an amazing life and her secret ingredient is in the asking: requesting help and manifesting solutions. Special training isn’t required...

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More Sleep, Less Stress. More of This, Less of That, Please!

More Sleep, Less Stress. More of This, Less of That, Please!

We hear this often, “I’m not getting enough sleep.” Before taking another step into the subject, consider that the cause may require medical assistance and chronic sleep problems should be looked into. Sleep loss has a lot of causes and a number of solutions. Most are obvious within our  environment and it is likely that we already know the solution. Instead, let’s tackle on of...

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I Went for Happiness and Worthiness: There Were Side Effects!

I Went for Happiness and Worthiness: There Were Side Effects!

The last couple of years haven’t been a great time romantically. In the last year and a half I went through a divorce and some months after the divorce I fell in love and dated somebody for a few months, but the relationship didn’t last. I was more heartbroken over the person I dated then the ending of a 23-year marriage. After doing a lot...

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Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire Has to Wait Sometimes, So Be Ready!

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire Has to Wait Sometimes, So Be Ready!

Jeannie writes: I’ve been manifesting for a while now and I realize that things don’t always happen in the blink of an eye, they take time to line up. Two years ago I had the idea of opening a juice bar. I spent a good amount of time and energy researching the business and looked around for good locations, but all of the pieces just...

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I Manifested Big Time Without Really Knowing How. This Is Amazing!

Jackie is a manifesting pro! In her letter, she demonstrates how repetitive thoughts will create outcomes. We are all doing this constantly and our lives reflect our thinking in positive or less than optimal ways. Quite simply, Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 explains for the 1st time how your thoughts literally create as you think them. Many suspect this is so and in the numerous...

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I Faced Death and Then Found Fulfillment

I Faced Death and Then Found Fulfillment

Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 is unique in the manifesting and positive thinking literature because it clearly describes how our thoughts create anything. To put it simply, our repetitive thoughts create form and outcomes. Wendy’s story illustrates another tool for manifesting: focused determination. Ken Wendy writes: A few years back I was talking with my sisters after our mom was diagnosed with breast cancer...

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Are You Ready to Make A Move? Got Time to Waste?

Are You Ready to Make A Move? Got Time to Waste?

I was talking with a friend the other day and for whatever the reason, the subject of time capsules came up. It made think back to when I was junior high school and all of us were asked to put something down on paper for the year 2000 Time Capsule. It had to be something on paper, a drawing or a comment, and they would...

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