I Faced Death and Then Found Fulfillment
Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 is unique in the manifesting and positive thinking literature because it clearly describes how our thoughts create anything. To put it simply, our repetitive thoughts create form and outcomes. Wendy’s story illustrates another tool for manifesting: focused determination. Ken Wendy writes: A few years back I was talking with my sisters after our mom was diagnosed with breast cancer...
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Are You Ready to Make A Move? Got Time to Waste?
I was talking with a friend the other day and for whatever the reason, the subject of time capsules came up. It made think back to when I was junior high school and all of us were asked to put something down on paper for the year 2000 Time Capsule. It had to be something on paper, a drawing or a comment, and they would...
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Want Results? Never Stop Manifesting. Just Ask Tina.
Thank you Tina for your impressive manifesting story! Your goals were clear and you kept to a simple “script.” As it happens in everyone’s lives, what we repetitively think becomes our reality. That is what the book explains so clearly. But along the way to our happy day, our plans we make don’t always turn out as we wish. Note that Tina’s very successful story contains...
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Fear Of… Let’s Fix This!
What are we frightened of? Well, just about everything It seems. We seem to be hardwired for it. Of course we want to be more successful but sometimes we’re afraid to even start. That’s fear of failure. It’s very common among artists. They are at the cutting edge of creation and if they don’t begin to write or put marks on the canvas, then nothing...
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Sleeping Problems for 17 Years: Solved With Manifesting and One Remarkable Dream
B. writes: I have been suffering from sleeping problems for 17 years. After trying a multitude of natural and alternative sleeping methods, nothing worked until I started using a prescription drug 10 years ago. Of course using a drug is not ideal and doctors don’t particularly like the long-term side effects. It still hasn’t been the perfect solution because the drug only improved my sleep problem slightly....
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Manifesting Success During a Difficult Job Search
I’m a tech executive in a very fast-moving and fascinating business environment. It was time for me to look for other opportunities so I hired a professional networker. His job was to to get my resume out of front of other executives and find other possibilities to advance my career. In my current job, my immediate boss was fired. The boss that replaced him was...
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Your Fabulous Success Stories and Tips From 2017!
Happy 2018! Last year was another remarkable one for readers working with Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3. Looking back, the letters from readers left me in awe and I have picked some of the favorites for review. Manifesting 1,2,3 is a results driven book and that is the point of this weekely newsletter. As so many others have discovered, anyone can create marvelous...
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First, Eliminate What You DON’T Want in 2018
I’m all about New Year’s resolutions and the positive mindset it creates. It’s a bit like redecorating the living room, where new furniture, carpets and artworks will be brought in to create a terrific new look. But before bringing in all that is new, we should first consider what should be removed. This is the last newsletter of 2017 and it’s a perfect time to...
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A Tragic Diagnosis, Then Taking Action with Intent and Forgiveness
Here’s an amazing story that just came in. It’s a holiday gift to us from two close friends, Anjali and Angelica. This story is full of insights like the power of forgiveness and I particularly like friends helping friends here. Anything is possible when we are purposely manifesting. Happy Holidays to you! Ken Anjali writes: 1 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with lung cancer....
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Is Your Attitude Slumping? Gratitude Creates Happiness. Here’s How
Antoinette wrote in to say: “I want to add something about gratefulness. Being grateful has been instrumental in changing my view of past experiences. Being grateful for a (seemingly) bad experience can change the vibration of it. It takes a bit of work sometimes, but there’s always a Silver Lining.” Thank you Antoinette! Your observation and experience is very important and worth going into further. As...
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