


Manifest Success, Then Order Dinner

Manifest Success, Then Order Dinner

I have an amazing story to share. I was off for a week and a half sick with flu and asthma. Unfortunately for me, it comes down to “no work, no pay” and I have no other source of income. So that means I’m going to be short for my rent and auto insurance payment coming up next month. I decided I needed $2700 to...

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Manifesting a Puppy-Cat. Really ! ?

Manifesting a Puppy-Cat. Really ! ?

Around November 2019 I started expressing my desire to get another cat. Our current cat, Uranus, was terrible with our twin kids and not interested in affection. But my wife likes the cat because she is pretty. I continued to tell my wife of my dreams to have a “puppy-cat”, a cat that acts like a dog and goes to the bathroom outdoors. I had a name...

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Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices

Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices

Here is a favorite reprise story: Last week a good friend called, wanting to come by and talk a bit. We met about five years ago and immediately hit it off. He wanted to talk about what has been happening with him lately and dropped a hint that manifesting would be involved.He brought over a nice bottle of wine and we settled in. When we first...

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My Thoughts Did Exactly What I Told Them To Do, Ug!

My Thoughts Did Exactly What I Told Them To Do, Ug!

Our thoughts are always creating, particularly when we are repeating them. Thoughts will act on so-called big or trivial things – whatever our mind  focuses on. Here’s an interesting story with J’s thoughts creating unwanted consequences. Learn more by listening to my online interviews or get the book. Make things happen in the way YOU want them to. Ken J. writes: About 15 years ago,...

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Against All Odds, Manifesting a Home for Her Family

Against All Odds, Manifesting a Home for Her Family

T writes: I would like to share my manifestation testimonial with you and let you know that simply based off of the website testimonials, I was able to manifest a home for our family! I don’t even have your book yet, but just using some of the steps I’ve seen others on the website use, I was able to manifest it! Please feel free to...

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If You Can Think It, You Can Bring It!

If You Can Think It, You Can Bring It!

Nicole writes: On July 15, 2020, I was on a Zoom call with my two friends and we had been playing around with the idea of using our imaginations to create/manifest things we wanted in our physical worlds. While in a group meditation, we were all practicing imagining, creating and manifesting what we needed in our worlds while also energetically supporting each other. I started...

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I Manifested Something Richer Than I Would Have Ever Dreamed to Ask For

I Manifested Something Richer Than I Would Have Ever Dreamed to Ask For

Back in 2012 I started to think about traveling around in a RV. I liked the idea of the freedom it would bring as well as the unplanned experiences that would come with it. The thought stayed with me and it became a part of me. I was also thinking of having a loving partner and I consciously began to visualize him as well. I...

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OK!  I’ll Ask and See What Happens

OK! I’ll Ask and See What Happens

Do we get in the way of our own success? Sure, it’s a common behavior, but why? This might be helpful. Remember, there are two great powers: Love and Fear. If we can see our actions as being in one of those positions, we just might be able to see if we are in our own way for cleared to fly. Which would you prefer? Ken  Sometimes you just have to make...

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Praying for the Cure: Message Received at the DMV

Praying for the Cure: Message Received at the DMV

Here is one of my favorite stories that bears repeating. Thank you Hoss, for letting me share this. Ken Recently I was invited to appear on a local radio show here in Denver. It was fun to be live in the studio with radio hosts Greg and Lisa. Most of my radio interviews are in other parts of the country and take place by phone. The owner of the...

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Miracles Are Always in Reach – Large or Small

Miracles Are Always in Reach – Large or Small

There is a problem. It’s not a big deal but it can’t be solved in a normal way, regardless of how hard you try. There is a key in that statement… keep trying, because your thoughts are finding and creating the solution you continue to repeat. Ken So, I’ve been trying to find a manufacturer for essential oils that I use in my business. I’ve...

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