


Prayer and Manifesting Prevailed, Not Blindness

Prayer and Manifesting Prevailed, Not Blindness

Earlier this week, I began to think of T’s remarkable story from 2014. It is a story of hope and what her thoughts and manifesting brought about, so it is presented here again. Ken T. writes; Hi Ken, I have actually been waiting for about six months to share this information with you. Do you remember when I attended the Manifesting 1-2-3 class in your...

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From a Denied to a Yes. My Manifesting Worked!

From a Denied to a Yes. My Manifesting Worked!

Here are two important things to ask yourself: Am I worthy? Is it OK for me to ask for myself? The answer is yes and yes, and yes, and yes… My wish for you is that you are healthy, safe, comfortable and fulfilled. Allow these things to flow into your life. Say yes for you. If you are in a good position without want or...

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Miracles of a Lifetime, Twice

Miracles of a Lifetime, Twice

Just ask, please ask. Manifest, visualize, pray. Miracles do happen! Ken 25 years ago, I was in a very serious skiing accident. I had considerable injuries, far to many to list here, but a considerable concern was my left leg. It was broken and numerous tendons and ligaments were torn and / or disconnected. My medical team had already done a lot of remarkable work...

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Blue doors of an old adobe house in Taos, New Mexico. Hanging peppers and indian corn.

Wishes Brought to Your Door?

When two people are manifesting identical outcomes it is likely twice as powerful. This may be one of those interesting examples with a special delivery twist! Use the simple tools in the book or listen to my interviews. It’s all there for you and your successful future! Ken Five years ago, I gave a favorite book of mine to an art student. It was a book about angels...

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You Never Know When the Impossible Solution is Already Waiting for You

You Never Know When the Impossible Solution is Already Waiting for You

I got a call that my grandmother had died and that her funeral would take place in just a few days. She lived in another state and quick flight arrangements would need to be made. After a few calls, I was able to make a reservation with a discount given in these circumstances and it was gratefully accepted. On the day of my afternoon flight,...

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Can Manifesting Get Me out of Debt?

Can Manifesting Get Me out of Debt?

I have been in a financial hold ever since my fiancé died over 10 years ago. In the time after, I gradually ran up debt on three credit cards and they have been maxed out for some time now. The town I live in is a very small and I am able to live well here in a comfortable but not extravagant way. I have...

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Just Ask, The 1st Book for Mike / Reprise

Just Ask, The 1st Book for Mike / Reprise

Years ago, the new book, Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 had not yet been released – it had to be picked up from the printer first. I backed my SUV up to the printer’s loading dock and Mike was there to hand me the first batch of printed books, all in their boxes. “Would you open up one of the boxes so I...

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Your Popular Manifesting Stories from 2020

Your Popular Manifesting Stories from 2020

It is always a pleasure to go through all of the stories from the previous year and select some of the favorites. Hope, wisdom and love abounds here. Ken Here We Are… Offering a Bigger Picture Today we are in an unusual and global event and even though the sun is shining bright and all seems to be just fine, we are now in a...

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Fascinatin’ Manifestin’

Fascinatin’ Manifestin’

Here is an interesting insight from someone that has often had his success stories included in this newsletter. Here’s to your New Year of health, abundance, comfort, fulfillment and much more. Make the manifesting list of your dreams! Ken Michael writes: I keep myself open to manifesting, prayer and faith. I watch my words, keep it positive as much as I can and say yes...

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Baby’s Christmas Arrival (reprise story)

Baby’s Christmas Arrival (reprise story)

My friend told me the intriguing story of a baby born last week. She is part of a medical staff working in the nursery for newborns. The mother that gave birth to that baby had decided for her own reasons not to keep it, but to give the baby up for adoption. The mother had also made the decision not to see her baby or...

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