


What Is Possible? Question From a Reader

What Is Possible? Question From a Reader

Dear Mr. Elliott, I read your book and love it so much! Thank you for this masterpiece. When I think about this thought power stuff, would you say, for example, being a famous actor/singer or entrepreneur that makes millions in a year is just as easily possible as being poor and homeless? Would being single be just as possible as dating 5 women / men at the same time, if...

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Cooking Up a Quick Solution

Cooking Up a Quick Solution

This is a story from some years back. I had gone on a long trip that turned out to be way more expensive than I anticipated. I arrived home on a Sunday morning with only $1.35 to my name and an empty kitchen. I had cleaned it out before I left and it really looked bare on my return. I was expecting a payment for...

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Making the Equivalent of Money Work for You!

Making the Equivalent of Money Work for You!

OK, OK, this car photo is over the top and it is not the one mentioned in this story, but Catherine had a critical problem with the tires on her car. For some time now, those tires needed replacing. She was working the problem, asking for the money to take care of the problem and she was also manifesting that the problem would somehow be solved…...

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Can You Create What You Desire? Are You Worthy?

Can You Create What You Desire? Are You Worthy?

I have a lot of conversations with people on the subject of manifesting and there are some common themes. Surprisingly, a large number of people aren’t really sure of how they would like their lives to be. We get so busy we don’t leave time to really consider what we would like our future to be. We don’t make it a priority. Here’s an idea...

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Here are some of the best stories and information from the 1st half of 2016

Here are some of the best stories and information from the 1st half of 2016

Manifesting 123 is the book that explains for the first time how your thoughts actually create your reality. Thanks to readers, here are just a few of the great stories from the year so far. Keyword search and view over 150 more here   Manifesting and those Amazing Side Effects One of the great purposes of manifesting is to improve our lives in a variety of ways. This newsletter...

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I Manifested Pure Love in the Park Today

I Manifested Pure Love in the Park Today

Well, I took your book “Manifesting 1.2.3” to the park with me yesterday to catch a few rays before the afternoon sun went down. As I usually do, I opened to the page “What do I need to know from this book,” the Movie Exercise that explains, “I am in my future, and in my future ______ .” So I started to manifest “I am...

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My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking

My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking

Special note: Don’t miss this upcoming Colorado Conference! Shifting Your Reality Conference: A Peek at The Afterlife & Healing Tools Copper Mountain Resort, Colorado July 15 @ 6:00 pm – July 17 @ 3:30 pm Special price through July 1, $199. Info and registration My Life is Getting Better. I Am Ready and it Was For the Asking Katie writes: It was 20 years ago that a significant book was...

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From My Suicide, Then to Paris and Finding My Love

From My Suicide, Then to Paris and Finding My Love

Patrice writes: My manifesting days began long before I read Manifesting 123, but his book definitely outlines the path that makes all of it come to pass much quicker. Waking up in gratitude is my key to unlocking my manifesting door. I was once profoundly disturbed enough by a real life circumstance that I attempted to stop that misery in a very final way.  I...

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Clear Intentions and Difficult Changes for My Best Result

Clear Intentions and Difficult Changes for My Best Result

Margaret writes: Back in 2008, I went through a mini “mid-life crisis” where I wanted to lose weight and work out so as to improve my overall physical, emotional and mental health. I also wanted to gain back much of my independent spirit I’d seemed to have lost years earlier when I first married and year by year, gave up and gave in to my...

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Merrily Manifesting With the IRS

Merrily Manifesting With the IRS

For too long I have been in the month-to-month, in the getting the bills paid cycle. It’s been a little squeaky this year but so far so good, right? I’m very grateful for that! However, the next few months were looking tight financially again. Happily (am I crazy?) April 15 was approaching so I put together my taxes and submitted them to my accountant. It’s...

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