


Overcoming Pain and Anger in the Past and Present

Overcoming Pain and Anger in the Past and Present

Special note: Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 was just honored by the Indy Book Awards with a First Place in the New Age Category!   Angela sent in one of those amazing stories where things happen quickly. Pardon the pun, but there seems to be more than meets the eye here and Angela went right to work on it. Ken Angela writes: I found...

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My First Baby and I Needed Help Fast!

My First Baby and I Needed Help Fast!

Life isn’t always easy for everyone and Anna Marie knows that well. When things got really hard, she would pray and also work to manifest solutions.Thank you for sending us your story today. Ken Anna Marie writes: I was 26, a young mother with my first baby. I was very much about being the very best mother I could be. I was living in Seattle, driving...

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Manifesting Success: Is 51% Enough?

Manifesting Success: Is 51% Enough?

Have you ever stopped to evaluate the percentage of your positive versus negative thoughts in a day? Imagine that 51% of your thoughts are positive. That sounds pretty good but it also means that just about half of your thoughts are negative. Manifesting 123 describes how your thoughts actually take form – the negative and the positive ones. Here’s more about that from the newsletter archive: Creation:...

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How in the World Did I Get Here? By Asking!  Part 2

How in the World Did I Get Here? By Asking!  Part 2

Lee’s India story continues with some wonderful, personal insights.  Read Part 1 here Ken Lee writes: It looks like I have a Part 2 story with my India trip.  For whatever the reason, I felt pulled to take a spiritual  trip there but my first priority was to bring in new work. I am a self-employed consultant and having just wrapped up my last project,...

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How in the World Did I Get Here?  By Asking!

How in the World Did I Get Here? By Asking!

Asking + Manifesting + Multiple Choice = an interesting story. Thank you, Lee for sharing your adventure. Ken Lee writes: I live in Singapore and for a number of months now I’ve been thinking about taking a spiritual journey to India. I didn’t have a clear idea in mind, only that I wanted to go there for that reason. Well that went on the back...

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Need it Just in Time? Pray for it or Manifest it Now!

Need it Just in Time? Pray for it or Manifest it Now!

Does manifesting work? Absolutely! Does prayer work? Yes! Is is always on time or in the form we expect? Not really. But sometimes manifesting or prayers come in right on time and exactly as we desire it. Here are a couple of great examples where two women went straight to prayer to solve a problem that needed a really quick resolution. Lynn writes: Have you ever...

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Yes, You Can Fix Your Future From Here!

Yes, You Can Fix Your Future From Here!

For those that have read or heard my interviews about Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3, you understand the concept that your thoughts literally create objects and concepts in real-time. I have experienced firsthand how our thoughts create form as we think it. This is valuable information that moves us from wishing and hoping to building with our ideas… the game-changer. We are all are equally empowered to create whatever...

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My Simple Wishes Brought Us the Perfect House

My Simple Wishes Brought Us the Perfect House

I met Mona at one of my Manifesting 123 lectures recently and she was kind enough to pass this very encouraging story on to us. Her success came from simply specifying her perfect home and repeating that intention each day. Manifesting 123 expands and amplifies this approach but the bottom line is that your thoughts create constantly and Mona made it happen. It’s just that simple!...

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Here’s Another One of Those Stories: The Equivalent of Money!

Here’s Another One of Those Stories: The Equivalent of Money!

This story is the perfect example of the equivalent of money. There are equivalents everywhere when we are manifesting. Money, health, perfect homes and partners all have very pleasant equivalents. In this story, J. just learned what that means first hand. Ken J. writes: Earlier this March I had the most interesting thing happen. Lately it has been a little too tight financially. There was too...

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Studio shot of pencil erasing the word fear from piece of paper

Yes We Can Create Anything by Thinking it, So What About When We Worry?

This newsletter is a very positive place but the world and our lives are not always that way. In our daily lives, much of what we hear can be divided into positive or negative thoughts – love or fear. Because we swim in a sea of other people’s thoughts via the media, ads and conversations, it’s only natural that the thoughts in our own heads reflect what we...

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