


I Dared to Dream Big. Could it Happen? (reprise story)

I Dared to Dream Big. Could it Happen? (reprise story)

I like what E. said at the bottom of his story,  “There’s this saying, if you are happy or not, you are right.” Thank you for sharing your wish come true. Ken E. writes: We started out with pretty humble beginnings. My wife and I didn’t have any family money or anything like that. We knew that everything we achieved had to come from our...

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Making Gifts for Two. For Three!

Making Gifts for Two. For Three!

From Natalie: I just had to share this! First, I have recently been visualizing my manifesting as if it is a 3-D printer, where the things I imagine are manufactured and come out of it when I think of them. Also, I have a vision board that I call my reality room. For me, this is an improved way of seeing my thoughts as being ...

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The Key is in Your Hand

The Key is in Your Hand

My sister for the last couple years has been dating this guy that is really not a good fit for her. They have almost zero in common and they live separately. He not a very nice person either, making fun of her all the time, putting her down and has been physically abusive. I told her you don’t need to put up with that, you’ve...

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Manifesting an Improved Career and the Equivalent Surprise!

Manifesting an Improved Career and the Equivalent Surprise!

I make a living as a full time artist. To expand my success, I make an intention at the beginning of each year and revisit that from time-to-time. Manifesting is not new to me and I’ve used it for a variety of things, including my art career in the past. This year I decided I wanted to work larger and also start working with art consultants. I...

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A Tender Request, A Prayer, Then a Response

A Tender Request, A Prayer, Then a Response

Sometimes what we think becomes reality very quickly. Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3 describes how or thoughts directly create and do so constantly. Generally, that takes time but it is a delight to hear of an instance where a thought and in this instance, a prayer is answered in a profound way. Our thoughts and prayers and powerful tools, our gift. We are...

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I Manifested a Beautiful New Life! (reprise story)

I Manifested a Beautiful New Life! (reprise story)

Today I am so incredibly grateful. My day started with my getting ready for work, a normal task for most people but not for me. For years I was getting up at 3 or 4 am and going to a job I didn’t like. It was drudgery. The corporate culture there overworked and drained my co-workers and me. I was fried at work, so I...

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I Kept Saying, “I Am So Lonely,” and it Worked (with 4 story bonus!)

I Kept Saying, “I Am So Lonely,” and it Worked (with 4 story bonus!)

Grace writes: I’ve been single for a long time, 30 years now. I am attractive, active and interesting but have been single for all these years. In the last twenty years I got into this habit: Every day and many times a day I would make the observation that I was lonely. Morning, afternoon and night I would say those words and feel the misery...

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The Solution I Needed Came to Me Fast!

The Solution I Needed Came to Me Fast!

I have been doing lectures for many years now and in early May, I decided to add some recorded talks to my offerings. In the past, I have done a number of them on my own and learned that it is not a simple enterprise, particularly when you want a very high-quality result. While I have the ability to master sound recordings, I don’t enjoy...

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Manifesting: What is my purpose?

Manifesting: What is my purpose?

Recently, a number of people asked me the question, “I want to know my purpose in life. How can I find out?”  Often in conversations I’ll ask people to speculate that if all of their financial needs were abundantly covered, what would they do next? Travel comes up and I reply, “So you have taken a number of international trips this year and you are...

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Take a Manifesting Ride on Lisa’s Blue Bike

Take a Manifesting Ride on Lisa’s Blue Bike

In this story there are some important ideas that stand out: Visualization Repetitiveness Open to the idea Prayer / asking the universe Overcoming unworthiness It’s a ‘small’ story about a bike but it is filled with wisdom and good examples for us. Thank you Lisa! Ken  Lisa writes: Many years ago I purchased a red Diamondback Mountain bike, one that was highly recommended to me...

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