


Can I Manifest Something and Then Change My Mind for Happiness Sake?

Can I Manifest Something and Then Change My Mind for Happiness Sake?

Tim writes: In 2016 I had spent a lot of time in Africa, resulting in my being afflicted with a parasite for a time. I had to stop performing after 7 years and it gave me a lot of time to relax and find out who I was as a person without the performing arts career. The arts were a big part of my life...

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After Two Negative Years, Manifesting the Opposite!

After Two Negative Years, Manifesting the Opposite!

M. writes: Sometime back, my sister, K. was working at a compounding pharmacy in Texas. It’s where custom medications are made to fit the unique needs of patients that can’t be met with mass-produced products. It was an OK job and the bills were paid. Then a group from Colorado bought it in order to turn it into a sterile lab, It’s a big deal to make that...

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I Didn’t Realize How I Manifested a Remarkable Gift to Myself!

I Didn’t Realize How I Manifested a Remarkable Gift to Myself!

I Didn’t Realize How I Manifested a Remarkable Gift to Myself! Our thoughts are always creating things, even if we are not noticing. Pay attention to what you are saying and thinking and in particular, avoid repetitive, negative thoughts, just because… Ken Holly writes: I recently took an art workshop from Ken and toward the end of the weekend he asked each one of us,...

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Love to Travel? How Much Do You Want to Manifest?

Love to Travel? How Much Do You Want to Manifest?

Her life was profoundly changed with just one statement. Missy continued that focus, using what she learned in the book. What remarkable results! Ken Missy writes: I had a defining moment about seven years ago but the feeling and memory of the time is still vivid. I was sitting in a commercial airplane and as I was watching the baggage being loaded, a strong wave of elation filled...

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For Your Happy New Year!

For Your Happy New Year!

Each of us has lived through 8,765 hours and if we averaged 7 hours of sleep each night, then we were awake 6,205 of those hours last year. A lot can be made of that fact, but it certainly  spells opportunity. Somewhere along the way are the opportunities to be:  Grateful Complimentary Kind Generous Of love and not fear More generous to ourselves There is...

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Eleven Favorite Manifesting Stories from 2023

Eleven Favorite Manifesting Stories from 2023

This is a remarkable recap of manifesting stories for the year. Included here are two stories where contact was made with loved ones that had passed and exchanges of gifts between them. How informative and timely for the holidays, and for all times. Ken Manifesting Protection in Advance: Then the Angels Came Tim writes, My job is delivering fine artworks from artists, galleries and collectors. On...

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My Daughter Died, But My Intentions Created a Loving and Surprising Connection

My Daughter Died, But My Intentions Created a Loving and Surprising Connection

This is a very important story illustrating what our intentions and thoughts can do, even beyond physical death. A grieving mother has shared this story, a remarkable gift offered to us all for the holiday season. It is confirming information in many ways and I hope you will share this story with others. Ken  K. writes: My daughter died on November 5th of this year. Life was...

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Wanna Know a Real Secret? Your Thoughts Are Creating Now: Here are the Facts and What to Do

Wanna Know a Real Secret? Your Thoughts Are Creating Now: Here are the Facts and What to Do

Christmas is coming early! What follows is an earlier newsletter worth repeating. It has all the information you need to begin building the life you desire now, and it’s easy to do. Jump right in… ready, set, go! Ken This newsletter is a great resource for encouraging manifesting stories. It’s like everyone is doing it and guess what, WE are. Knowingly or not, our repetitive thoughts are building...

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Manifesting from the Kitchen and Into the World

Manifesting from the Kitchen and Into the World

When we are repetitively thinking on a focused idea, your thoughts are literally building it. This is at the core of Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3. Ken  R. writes: When I lived in Boulder, CO I started a bakery business out of my kitchen. My boyfriend’s business was not doing well so I had to figure out a way for us to make...

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Manifesting Works, Sometimes With Delays, So Stay With It!

Manifesting Works, Sometimes With Delays, So Stay With It!

Stories like this are not unusual. Even when we are continually manifesting, we will sometimes find that we were in our own way, other people or groups were involved that created more complications, or we not quite ready to get the keys to the Maserati, so to speak. Regardless, don’t give up because your thoughts are continually building the desires that you seek! Ken C...

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