Manifesting from the Kitchen and Into the World
When we are repetitively thinking on a focused idea, your thoughts are literally building it. This is at the core of Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3. Ken R. writes: When I lived in Boulder, CO I started a bakery business out of my kitchen. My boyfriend’s business was not doing well so I had to figure out a way for us to make...
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Manifesting Works, Sometimes With Delays, So Stay With It!
Stories like this are not unusual. Even when we are continually manifesting, we will sometimes find that we were in our own way, other people or groups were involved that created more complications, or we not quite ready to get the keys to the Maserati, so to speak. Regardless, don’t give up because your thoughts are continually building the desires that you seek! Ken C...
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There is More Than Just the Law of Attraction: A Primer
I am for all forms of manifesting however you go about it. If you have a positive, repeating intention then you are on the right track. Please note that your negative, repeating intentions will also create results, the undesirable ones. In the book I have written about my experiences on thoughts actually begin to create form. This is more than positive thinking and it is what...
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Keep it Simple… Regardless (reprise story)
For many years, I have followed law of attraction & manifesting gurus and read all of the materials with inconsistent results. In my opinion and based on my experience, they seemed to be lacking something. It felt that I wasn’t getting all the pieces to the puzzle and a key ingredient was missing. My world changed when I met Ken and he taught me a...
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Open the Door for Unique and Creative Results
Hidden in this ‘small’ story is something we all desire… Let’s just call it a flow. Ken I have been manifesting for sometime now. In fact, I became so interested in it, I finally decided to go out and buy a book along the order of manifesting for dummies. They didn’t have it at the Barnes & Noble, but I did find your book, Manifesting...
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We Are Watched Over, Heard and We Are Powerful
Continuing on an earlier newsletter story of what our thoughts can do and that we are heard… Ken Early on when I was discovering more about metaphysical topics, I became good friends with two exceptionally gifted women, Judy Goodman, and Patty Conklin. In my conversations with them they explained to me how they could see and hear the non-physical realm with their physical eyes and...
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Manifest, Avoid the Fears, and Request More Help!
Happily, this is the second time that something like this has occurred this year. I’m an independent contractor and the phone hasn’t been ringing lately. After a couple of back-to-back best years, 2023 has been really sloooooow. I do a manifesting list every day and gratefully, things somehow fall into place. It’s certainly not the way I would plan it, but I remember learning that...
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Yes, With Your Loving Thoughts, You Can Send Gifts to the Deceased
My dear friend, Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton passed away last April 4th. For reasons to follow, I can say that she is a marvelous, joyful person. As a very gifted psychic, she worked with hundreds of people, using her abilities to make contact with deceased relatives and more. The day after her death, she appeared in spirit form to another gifted person and a good friend...
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Reprise: You Never Know When the Impossible Solution is Already Waiting for You
This is my story and it is an excellent example of how things seemed to be arranged in advance at times. I have often noticed that when an important solution is required, the answer quickly appears and as it was in this instance, it seems to have been pre-arranged. It’s a great story that is worth repeating. Ken I got a call that my grandmother...
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Manifesting the Answer to “What is it I am here to do?”
Ken writes: As a writer and full-time artist, I sometimes see those worlds combine. Last weekend I was teaching art classes for three days and during some of our off-time, topics like manifesting were discussed. On the first morning of the art class, one of the participants, N, sat down with us at breakfast and told us about a very unusual thing that had just...
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