


There is More NOW Than We Might Think

There is More NOW Than We Might Think

In these newsletters the idea that your thoughts create form is oft-mentioned subject. It is true and many of us have successfully experienced that idea in a number of different ways. In the second chapter of Manifesting 1,2,3 and you don’t need #3, I described how I sent an object in thought to the remarkably gifted Judy Goodman. We were on the phone, separated by...

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I Manifested a Plan and Found the Solution Immediately!

I Manifested a Plan and Found the Solution Immediately!

Amazing how the solution was there for the asking… Ken I have been a contractor for many years now and I’ve seen plenty of ups and downs. I work on my own most of the time doing landscaping jobs for individual clients. Many of those years have been a struggle and I was always looking for the key to an easier way of living and a...

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“Act now as if you are in the place that you want to be.”

“Act now as if you are in the place that you want to be.”

Sometime back, Judy Goodman passed this important suggestion onto me. I have a list of things I manifest every day and this idea is at the top of the list. Can I convincingly put 100% of myself in that mindset every day? No, but it sets a place for me at the table, so to speak. Although we may not be exactly “where we want...

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We Required a New Home, Not Just Any Home and Fast!

We Required a New Home, Not Just Any Home and Fast!

Selling one home and buying another is typically a slow and complicated process. How can you speed everything up and find the perfect home hidden in the haystack? Read what Colette did and thank you for this inspiring story! Ken After living on a large, glorious property with a home and artist studio for many years, it was time to downsize and cut expenses. My husband...

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So Much Has Changed! / Gifting to the World

So Much Has Changed! / Gifting to the World

This is a story published years ago that is important, not because it is a BIG story, but because it is a common one. Individuals that read the book and follow though with the simple manifesting steps get results again and again. Imagine that you are in your future now. What would you like to see? What would you wish to create for yourself? In an earlier newsletter, I passed...

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How to Improve What You Have? Manifest an Upgrade!

How to Improve What You Have? Manifest an Upgrade!

A lot of effort goes into running a business and it’s not always easy to think of how to make things go better or to be more successful. However, there is always one tool to start with that is simple and time-efficient to use, Manifesting 1,2,3. Here’s a great example.  Ken C. writes: I have a small fabricating business that is profitable enough but I...

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Manifesting Is Not Always Easy, So Here Are More Tools!

Manifesting Is Not Always Easy, So Here Are More Tools!

Manifesting is a powerful tool for creating the results you aspire to and fortunately, it is not the only one. There are over 400 stories in this newsletter archive and on many occasions, simply asking, wish lists and visualizing that ideal future have produced good results as well. Prayer is also very powerful, particularly in conjunction with a strong loving component and the act of surrender...

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Before I Gave Up, I Tried One More Thing

Before I Gave Up, I Tried One More Thing

Life is complicated and not always easy. There are things we are obligated to do and numerous restrictions that get in the way and lessen our potential for joy. Regardless, we all have a powerful gift. By asking and manifesting, our thoughts can create a clear path though and present us with solutions, large or small, that are often better than we would think to ask for. Sometimes it looks like...

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On the First Try, Manifesting That Man Quick! And Then…

On the First Try, Manifesting That Man Quick! And Then…

It’s all about the asking. With A’s story, the asking was done casually, a bit of fun. But once we decide on something important, our minds will touch it from time to time and occasionally, that’s all it takes to get the result. A little more practice and information is helpful at times and that’s what the book and the 400+ newsletter stories are for. Enjoy what A. has passed on...

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For the Asking: Shoes, Peace and Passion

For the Asking: Shoes, Peace and Passion

I pray, I manifest and it’s not the first time one of my stories has been included in this newsletter. So many times the solutions I hope for come from asking and often in ways that I wouldn’t have thought of. My intention was to regain my passion for things again. I was doing whatever I could to please others but the passion of it...

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